Thursday, May 1, 2008

Democrat News

Lots going on in the Democrat party.  In rapid-fire succession, here are the juiciest bits:

Nancy Pelosi, in her eagerness to look Christian and environmentalist at the same time, made up a Bible verse that commands Christians to save the environment.  I suppose we should just be glad that she's making up Bible verses instead of Koran verses.  Then again, if she made up a Koran verse, she'd probably get killed by radical Islamists.

Jimmy Carter has defined terrorism for us:

"I think any time any powerhouse takes military action when it's a high danger or almost an inevitability that women and children are going to be killed, I think that can be considered an act of terrorism, yes."

Since this definition would apply to pretty much every army in pretty much every war ever conducted, it's no wonder he thinks the U.S. is guilty of terrorism!  Of course, he seems to overlook the excessive killing of women and children conducted by actual Islamic terrorists, but he's always been disastrously foolish, and perhaps senile to boot.

Hillary Clinton has requested a staggering $2.3 billion in earmarks this year, more than three times the amount of any other Senator.  If you have any doubt of how she would conduct herself on excessive government spending as President, here's your answer!

Hillary Clinton also recently turned on another of her own husband's actions:

Hillary Clinton loves to tell the story about how the Chinese government bought a good American company in Indiana, laid off all its workers and moved its critical defense technology work to China.

It's a story with a dramatic, political ending. Republican President George W. Bush could have stopped it, but he didn't.

If she were president, Clinton says, she'd fight to protect those jobs. It's just the kind of talk that's helping her win support from working-class Democrats worried about their jobs and paychecks, not to mention their country's security.

What Clinton never includes in the oft-repeated tale is the role that prominent Democrats played in selling the company and its technology to the Chinese. She never mentions that big-time Democratic contributor George Soros helped put together the deal to sell the company or that the sale was approved by her husband's administration.

Hm, that's very interesting, isn't it?  Funny how she only tells half the story.  Oh, wait, I guess it's not that odd for a pathological liar like Clinton.

Salena Zito warns that elite Democrats lose in general elections.  This is particularly bad for Obama, because he has now been clearly
revealed (via the bitter gun-clinging comments) as an elitist Democrat, and frequently relies on class envy tactics to advance his candidacy.

DNC chairman Howard Dean calls for one candidate to step down by June to avoid further damage to the party.  He's probably right, but it isn't likely to happen.

The DNC, meanwhile, is running a slimy TV ad showing American soldiers being attacked by an IED (it turns out they survived) and completely misrepresenting a statement by John McCain about staying in Iraq for 100 years.  The RNC has called on them to take the ad down, but the DNC isn't budging.  Michelle Malkin asks where they got the footage...from terrorists, like CNN has done in the past?

Even after Barack Obama ditched Rev. Wright, the racist hate-mongering Reverend continues to hammer away in a strange attack on his former pupil.  There is a lot of comment out there on this meltdown.  Newt Gingrich thinks Wright is deliberately trying to hurt Obama's campaign because Obama turned his back on Wright, Byron York calls him a continuing disaster, Victor Davis Hanson describes exactly how Wright's actions have set back racial relations in a very long way, Mark Steyn jokes that Wright -- given the damage he wreaked on Obama's campaign -- is one of Karl Rove's most ingenius Rovebots yet, Henry Payne shows us how Wright is thoroughly indoctrinated in racial divisiveness, Kathryn Jean Lopez asks why anyone is just now being offended by what Wright has said since he's said the same stuff all along, Rich Lowry questions Obama's honesty because of precisely that reason, then talks about all the general ugliness of what's been going on.

Barack Obama has taken aim a couple times at gas prices, first saying it was government's fault for not standing up to big oil.  Then he says that a suspension of the federal gas tax (which both McCain and Clinton favor, though Clinton would then take -- yes, literally TAKE -- money from oil companies to recover the revenue) is a stunt designed to get them through an election.  Actually, it would create instant relief from prices at the pump for Americans, Mr. Obama.  How is that a stunt??

He also mentions that he supports ethanol, by the way.  Interestingly enough, even Science magazine has gone public with the message that ethanol is bad for the environment.  Hmmm...

Since Wright is now out of the club, look who's trying to get him back in as Obama's counselor: Michael Pfleger, a white racist hate-monger.  Obama clearly has a pattern of associating with wackos, and this is just the latest one.

Peggy Shapiro points out that Wright's rants about attacks on him being attacks on the 'black church' are a case of projecting his own bias onto all blacks, and lead to one of two conclusions: fear and self-loathing.  The results of that supposition are disastrous for everyone, and she rejects them.  Check out the article for all the superb details.

Despite gaining ground in superdelegates, Obama is seeing more and more problems with his campaign.  It's gotten so bad that Thomas Lifson wonders if an endorsement of Obama (for those seeking lower office) is becoming radioactive.

Geoffrey Hunt suggests that the real reason Wright and Obama had their falling out is not the result of a bruised ego (though that was certainly a big part of it), but rather because of Wright's long-standing operational premise:  holding grudges.  Check it out:

For sure, Rev. Wright's supersized ego has boxed out Obama's ambition. But ego preservation pales when compared to Rev. Wright's real purpose -- keeping the pledge payments flowing and collection plates full. Wright's root agenda, in perfect alignment with the far left Democratic Party politics of indignation, has been to capitalize on the misfortunes of others, to stoke both race and class resentment, offer a platform and voice pipe for the permanently aggrieved all to fill his own coffers. Rev Wright has amassed the equivalent of a small fortune not by finding solutions but by recycling a permanent state of self-inflicted misery, despair and bitterness. His appeals to the perpetually aggrieved have been rewarded by their willingness to part with their treasure to hear their complaints, some imaginary the remainder of their own making, resonate from the pulpit and center stage at Trinity Church.

As a grievance monger, instead of problem solver, Wright never promises -- and would never promise -- actual solutions. Why would he? Solutions would dry up the money pipe.  Why would the permanently aggrieved willingly part with their treasure to hear that their complaints have been fixed?  They wouldn't. How could the politics of indignation be sustained when one of their own became the president of the United States?  It couldn't.

Rev Jeremiah Wright's worst nightmare would be Barack Obama as president.

No kidding - then how would he pay for his multi-million dollar house in the white suburbs of Chicago?  Anyway, this is perhaps immaterial to the election, but it is helpful to understand one's motivations.

There's the state of the Democrat party at the moment.  Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos seems to be working very, very well!

There's my two cents.

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