Monday, May 5, 2008

DOS Backlash

Over the past few weeks, I mentioned a couple times about the Day of Silence (DOS) sponsored by homosexual activists around the country.  Here's an update from on what happened.

The basic idea was for students to remain silent all day long in school to show support for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students.  Rather than a simple show of support, this was a thinly veiled ploy to use the public school system to actively push the homosexual and anti-Christian agenda on students all over the country:

Kids and teachers are encouraged on DOS to disrupt the school day by refusing to speak in class as a show of support to students who self-identify as "GLBT".

DOS purports to confront the alleged systematic harassment and bullying of sexually confused students who consider themselves "GLBT." Naturally, where there is actual bullying, anywhere, anytime, for any reason, those responsible should be firmly disciplined. However, the reality is that DOS has very little to do with "bullying" and has everything to do with pro-homosexual, anti-Christian indoctrination.
Consider that during DOS, many kids who hold time-honored traditional values relative to sexual morality (i.e., that human sexuality is a gift from God to be shared between husband and wife within the bonds of marriage) are frequently and ironically tagged as "hateful," "bigoted," and "homophobic." (Who's doing the bullying?)

In response to DOS, the American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, and many other pro-family organizations suggested that Christians keep their kids home from school that day (with permission from the parents), and notify the schools why they were doing so.

Apparently, it worked.

OneNewsNow reports that a surprisingly high number of students refused to participate in DOS, and many went one step further, gathering in groups outside their schools to pray for a return to Christian values.

One school, in particular -- in Seattle, a very liberal city -- saw almost half its students refuse to participate in DOS:

The DOS Walkout was an overwhelming success and far exceeded the expectations of the dozens of participating pro-family organizations, such as Concerned Women for America (CWA).
Take the Seattle area's Mount Si High School for instance. Out of 1,410 students, nearly half (638) reportedly walked out of school on DOS with a unified voice saying, "No! We're here to learn. We refuse to be subject to radical homosexual indoctrination at school or anywhere else!"

While it is disturbing that the DOS saw participation from literally thousands of schools across the country, it is greatly encouraging to see so many thousands of students take a stand against it.

There's my two cents.

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