Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The House's Latest Bailout Scam

The House is voting today on another measure to supposedly assist financially strapped homeowners from losing their homes.  In reality, these bills do nothing of the sort.  From House Republican Minority Leader John Boehner:

Democrats are prepared to bring to the House floor legislation purportedly written to assist Americans impacted by the recent housing slump.  But in recent days, it has become increasingly clear who this legislation is really out to serve: scam artists, speculators, and trial lawyers.

That's right: the bill forces taxpayers to pay for a massive $300 billion bailout at the expense of innocent victims who truly need assistance and hard-working families who continue to pay their mortgage on time.  And it includes language slipped-in by House Democrats at the last minute to fund a giant $35 million slush fund for trial lawyers seeking to capitalize on the housing downturn. 

But the goodies for the friends of the Democratic Majority don't stop there.  House Democrats quietly tucked another giveaway into the long, complicated bill in order to benefit their political allies with virtually no prior public scrutiny or debate. Take a look at this political giveaway – "Assistance for the Raza Development Fund" – straight from the text of the bill: 


(1) USE.—The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may make a grant to the Raza Development Fund for the purpose of providing technical and financial assistance to local non-profit organizations to undertake community development and affordable housing projects and programs serving low- and moderate-income households, particularly through organizations located in neighborhoods with substantial populations of income-disadvantaged households of Hispanic origin. Assistance provided by the Secretary under this subsection may be used by the Raza Development Fund…

(2) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— There is authorized to be appropriated for grants under this subsection—

(A) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
(B) $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010.

In short, House Democrats are expecting American taxpayers to shell out $25 million to the Raza Development Fund – an arm of the National Council of La Raza and Democratic political ally that has made its name by promoting pro-illegal immigration policies and opposing real border security. 

American families are struggling with rising costs for everything from gasoline to food to mortgages.  Times like these require Congress to work in a bipartisan way on behalf of the American people.  But instead, this Democratic Majority has produced a bill that rewards scam artists, speculators, trial lawyers, and political allies like La Raza…all at the expense of taxpayers and homeowners who really need help.  Sadly, it's yet more example of what American taxpayers have come to expect from a broken Washington under the leadership of House Democrats. 

Republicans should be livid at any number of the lies and deceits by the Democrats in this bill.  Unfortunately, Republicans largely haven't found a clue yet.  Michelle Malkin pins the tail directly on the, elephant:

While clueless Beltway Republicans melt down and wonder why they're hemorrhaging money and grass-roots support, the Dems are poised to ram through more public subsidies to pay off their radical political allies under the guise of "solving" the housing crisis.

Earth to Republicans: Capitulationism is the problem, not the solution.

Amen!!!  She then links to a story with more details on the bill and points out a second person (aside from Boehner) who apparently has a spine to stand up to these Democrat betrayals: House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, of Missouri.  In regard to this subject, Blunt lived up to his name:

In a closed-door meeting with Republicans Tuesday morning, he said, "There is so much wrong with this bill that if you can't find something that gives you reason to oppose it, then you don't deserve to be here."

Amen again!!!

So, let's recap.  This bill will:
1. allow the government to forcibly re-write signed, legal mortgage contracts to bail out people scamming the market (even though well over 90% of Americans are making their payments just fine)
2. give $25 million to La Raza (a radical anti-American open-borders lobbyist group)
3. give $35 million to trial lawyers

The fun part is that YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL OF IT!

Call your House Rep as soon as you read this because the vote is going down today.

When will the American people realize that the Democrat leadership in Congress is totally sold out for trial lawyers, criminals, liars, and anti-American open-borders fanatics??  It is quite simple: they are all these things themselves, so it is only logical that they would pander to these groups.  These Democrats cannot be trusted with the leadership of this country, and since the Republican party (aside from a few individuals like Boehner and Blunt) is unwilling to fight them for it, it's up to you and I, the American citizen.

Do your job, and call your Rep.  Tell them to oppose this bill.

There's my two cents.

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