As Maine goes, so goes the nation's economy. Two of the three sell-out Republican Senators are Collins and Snowe, both of Maine. Call them, e-mail them, stop by the office, whatever. I've seen in a couple places that most Senators are getting over 90% opposition to this beast, so if they're supposed to represent you, this should be a no-brainer. Challenge them to follow their constituencies. And, keep calling the others that I mentioned earlier this morning - arms are still being twisted, so we need to keep up the heat until the vote actually happens.
Once again, let's review the key facts:
1. this bill is 85%-93% pork (depending on who you listen to)
2. the small percentage of things that are actually 'stimulus' are debatably stimulus (meaning they aren't proven to stimulate anything long-term)
3. most of the debatably 'stimulating' provisions won't take effect until at least 2010, after the recession is already over (per the CBO)
4. the tax cuts in here are a one-time redistribution of taxpayer dollars, not a reduction in tax rates
5. this is a level of debt that has never been conceived of, much less seen...much less actually paid off!
This bill is one thing and one thing only: a power grab. It will entrench Democrat power by throwing billions of taxpayer dollars to Democrat pet projects, special interests, and lobbyists, and bring an immense amount of control (i.e. power) under the federal government through restrictions on companies that accept bailout money. It has nothing to do with actually helping the millions of people who are facing higher bills and job losses. Nothing.
Remember John Kerry's reason for opposing real economy-stimulating measures like tax cuts?
"If you put a tax cut into the hands of a business or family, there's no guarantee that they're going to invest that or invest it in America. They're free to go invest anywhere that they want if they choose to invest."
He opposes your freedom to spend your money where you want to spend it. This is the liberal Democrat mindset, and we are seeing it on full display with this unprecedented power grab.
On the same idea, Bobby Eberle at The Loft positions this bill as the difference between the American spirit and the almighty government:
Consider this... when President Bush (or any Republican president) was pushing for his tax-cutting plan, the Democrats railed against it. One of their reasons was the old standby that it would be "tax cuts for the rich." Their other reason was that it would "explode the deficit." Their way of thinking... these people who are offended when you suggest that the American people should keep more of their own money -- is that if you cut taxes by X amount, the budget will be short by X amount, thus increasing the budget deficit.
The liberals never, ever consider that by cutting taxes across the board, more people will have money to spend, save, and hire, and the economy will start humming along and thus actually increase the revenue coming back to the government. It's been proven, but, hey, liberals don't need no stinkin' proof.
Anyway, let's assume that they are actually right... that a tax-cut plan would increase the deficit. It is clear and acknowledged that the current spending bill facing Congress will explode the deficit. The Democrats want to spend billions of dollars over and above what the country has and what the country has budgeted. Thus, an exploding deficit.
So, in either case, whether its "stimulus" via a massive tax cut or stimulus the Obama way, with massive spending on government programs and earmarks, the deficit will go up. But, clearly, in the minds of those of the left, one plan is bad and the other is good. Why? Because of freedom and the American spirit.
The Democrats have no ... faith in the American people or the American spirit. Rather than let Americans stimulate the economy how they see fit, the Democrats say, "We will stimulate the economy the way WE see fit." The government way. Forget the American spirit... we believe in the all-mighty government.
Money would be spent in their plan, per their guidelines and mandates. Some tax cuts would be given, but only "targeted" to those whom they think "deserve" it. It won't go to the people who could actually use it to hire more workers. The spending would be for their vision of America... a small Washington elite determining how all of us should live.
The liberals never, ever consider that by cutting taxes across the board, more people will have money to spend, save, and hire, and the economy will start humming along and thus actually increase the revenue coming back to the government. It's been proven, but, hey, liberals don't need no stinkin' proof.
Anyway, let's assume that they are actually right... that a tax-cut plan would increase the deficit. It is clear and acknowledged that the current spending bill facing Congress will explode the deficit. The Democrats want to spend billions of dollars over and above what the country has and what the country has budgeted. Thus, an exploding deficit.
So, in either case, whether its "stimulus" via a massive tax cut or stimulus the Obama way, with massive spending on government programs and earmarks, the deficit will go up. But, clearly, in the minds of those of the left, one plan is bad and the other is good. Why? Because of freedom and the American spirit.
The Democrats have no ... faith in the American people or the American spirit. Rather than let Americans stimulate the economy how they see fit, the Democrats say, "We will stimulate the economy the way WE see fit." The government way. Forget the American spirit... we believe in the all-mighty government.
Money would be spent in their plan, per their guidelines and mandates. Some tax cuts would be given, but only "targeted" to those whom they think "deserve" it. It won't go to the people who could actually use it to hire more workers. The spending would be for their vision of America... a small Washington elite determining how all of us should live.
Eberle's right. That's why I started this blog. There is a clear and distinct difference between the conservative and liberal philosophies, and only one of them is good for the country. We are now seeing the liberal side come roaring out in full force, and it is an outright disaster in the making. The country is rebelling against it, but elections have consequences, and the country will have to suffer the consequences of electing liberals into a position of almost unstoppable power. The damage will be substantial, but hopefully not catastrophic (if we can stop them).
Speaking of substantial damage, for a stunning visual representation of what's in this monster and when it will be spent, go here. It's the same way that a mushroom cloud is incredible.
Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said the following last week:
In fact, throughout this entire debate the two parties seem to have been guided by two different philosophies. The Democrats, it seems, decided on a random dollar amount of $900 billion, and have spent most of their time either defending it or adding to it. Republicans, on the other hand, have thought all along that what we really need to do is to identify the core problem first—and then see how much money it would cost to fix.
He's exactly right. Remember, they simply made up the cost of the first TARP bailout ($700 billion):
"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."
Who do you think should be listened to for future economic packages, hmmm?
Well, you'd better decide fast, because there are more coming:
This week, President Obama and his Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, will prepare the country for the next, and far more difficult, step: another attempt to fill the huge hole blown in the center of the nation's financial system.
No one has yet put a price tag on that effort. But the administration's diagnosis of what went wrong with the first attempt to right the financial system — that it was too small, and that the problem has ballooned in recent months — suggests that the next effort will almost certainly entail a far bigger commitment of taxpayer dollars than the $350 billion left from last year's $700 billion effort to right the system, and probably far more than the stimulus package.
This is unbelievable!!! Actually, it's totally believable if you understand liberals, but it is outrageous. The $700 billion TARP 1 was an unqualified failure, and the American people hated it. The $1+ trillion Generational Theft Act/Porkapalooza bill has already been shown by the Congressional Budget Office to be harmful to the economy, and the American people have turned against it in less than two weeks. Now, the Democrat leadership is announcing plans for a TARP 2 bill that will be even bigger than this?!
Plus, we know for a fact now that Democrats don't pay their taxes, so it's all going to get stuck on us.
We are rapidly running out of time to save this country from the Democrat madmen running the place - they are shoving the barrel of a loaded pistol down America's throat, and the trigger will be pulled very soon.
There's my two cents.
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