This past summer, Obama Administration National Economic Council director Larry Summers said that any stimulus bill must be "timely… targeted … and credibly temporary." The plan coming out of Congress is none of those things.
In addition to all the other poisonous bites of this beast, there are still more:
The pork and the overall spending are every bit as bad as the critics say, but in the long run, they are mere distractions. The real damage comes from other, less noticed provisions in the bills.
The House and/or Senate stimulus bills would undo the 1996 welfare reforms, explode entitlement spending by a cool quarter trillion dollars, lay the groundwork for the federal government's takeover of our health care system, double Uncle Sam's already overbearing role in education, require taxpayers to pick up the bail tab for potentially dangerous felons, allow unemployed Wall Street executives to qualify for Medicaid, and reignite the fires of trade protectionism, thereby risking a global trade war.
The article also reinforces the stealth effort to nationalize health care in America, bringing about federal control of costs and treatments and restricting what medical procedures doctors (and patients) have available to them.
Bailing out failing state governments will become the norm. States that have mis-manged taxpayer funds will be 'rescued' by using money from states that have been good stewards of their resources. It's redistribution at the state level.
The so-called infrastructure spending that is supposed to stimulate job growth will do nothing of the sort...except jobs for illegal aliens. They're good to go, and will also receive taxpayer-funded 'rebate' checks to go along with their jobs. Along with the illegal aliens, illegal citizens (i.e. criminals) will be given a pass and let out of prison.
There are clauses in there that could spark a global trade war - as we increase tariffs on imports, our foreign trading partners will respond with the same, thus driving up prices on everything for all of us.
As if public brainwash...I mean, education wasn't bad enough, this 'stimulus' will vastly increase the money spent to indoctrina...I mean, teach our children. Along with that, the rights of parents will be undermined and pre-empted for 'family planning' purposes. Translation: taxpayer funded abortions on demand for anyone anywhere anytime for any reason.
If any of this bothers you, today may be your last chance to call Washington and plead/scream your case.
One last thing. The full text of this monster was just released this morning. Guess how long it is? 1,434. Guess when the vote is supposed to take place? This afternoon. I like what Hillbuzz (these are full-fledged, hardcore Democrats) says on this subject:
No, the speechless part will come in a few months when the Democrats try to enact the so-called Fairness Doctrine (which is really a giant censorship measure) that will silence all dissenters who don't drink the Obamessiah Kool-Aid.Put aside all of your political views and preconceived notions for a moment. Forget that you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, or moonbat.
Just be an AMERICAN for a moment.
A logical, thinking, hard-working, reasonable, average American.
Now, in a completely unbiased, nonpartisan, rational place, please answer this question for us: does it make any sense, at all, for anyone to ever sign off on a 1,434 page agreement, on anything, without having proper time to read it and understand exactly what they are agreeing to.
Would you personally sign your name willingly to a legal document with obvious ramifications and consequences lasting lifetimes without taking the time to sit down and read it.
Word for word.
Page by page.
In its entirety.
Have you ever in your life heard of such folly?
Today is the first time Obama's Trillion Dollar Jockstrap of Spending's been produced on paper for review — all 1,434 pages of it. Before anyone can read it, Obama-Pelosi-Reid are forcing a vote on legislation that will diver One Trillion Dollars of our national treasure to mysteries and enigmas buried deep inside a colossal boondoggle we bet no one on Earth has actually read in its entirety.
Those 1,434 pages were cut and pasted together from multiple sources, with no one sitting down to actually read the full document. In fact, it was not humanly possible to read this full document, because there is no one alive today who could pour through 1,434 pages from the moment this monstrosity was birthed to the present.
And, yet, Obama keeps pushing for Senators to vote YES on something they have not read, do not understand, but realize will cost us ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.
It's staggering.
It truly is.
For the first time in memory, we're speechless.
Lastly, House Minority Leader John Boehner has this to say about the final bill:
Following are some very tentative quick facts on the trillion-dollar "stimulus" spending deal slated to be rushed through the House and Senate today or tomorrow by Congressional Democrats, as compiled by the Office of House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH). These are based on best estimates on legislative text and scoring and may be subject to revision.
1. Generational Theft. The final agreement will cost each and every household more than $6,500 in additional debt, paid for by our children and grandchildren.
2. Paltry Tax Relief for Working Families and Small Businesses. The "Making Work Pay" tax credit at the center of the plan amounts to $1.10 a day, not even enough to ride the bus one-way to work. According to the Associated Press, "Officials estimated [the bill's tax relief provisions] would mean about $13 a week more in people's paychecks when withholding tables are adjusted in late spring. Critics say that's unlikely to do much to boost consumption." (Taylor, Andrew; "Economic stimulus package on track for final votes," Associated Press, 12 Feb 09). While the specifics remain unknown, it appears likely that tax relief to help small businesses — the primary engine of American job creation — represents even less of a share of the final tax package, and it had been only a tiny percentage of the overall package to begin with.
3. Massive Government Expansion. The final agreement is almost as much as the annual discretionary budget for the entire federal government.
4. A Trillion-Dollar Spending Bill. The $789.5 billion final agreement slated for a House vote either today or tomorrow will exceed more than $1 trillion when adding in the interest of approximately $300 billion between 2009-2019.
5. Unnecessary Spending That Won't Create Jobs. Apparently included in the final "jobs" bill is money for plug-in vehicles, money for STD prevention, and money for ACORN (via the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and CDBG program). The final agreement also creates new programs and funds existing programs that can be used to fund earmarks and pork-barrel projects.
Oh, and if none of this was enough to get your blood boiling, you should probably know that the final 10-year price tag on this monstrosity is...$3.27 trillion. And that's from Obama's own Congressional Budget Office, by the way.
Happy dialing.
There's my two cents.
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