Friday, February 6, 2009

More Details On The Suicidal 'Compromise'

You know what I think about political 'compromise' means conservatives lose. Here are some more details of the 'compromise' that went down late today.

As I posted earlier, a handful of RINOs agreed to support this beast to give Obama the last couple of votes he needed to pass the bill (and the cover of 'bipartisanship') in return for trimming a teeny weeny bit of the pork off the pork sandwich. The list of things that got 'cut' from the deal can be seen here, but it really doesn't matter because the Democrats have already stated that they're going to put that stuff back in there next week. Yes, I'm dead serious. This is how these things work when the Democrats are in completely boggles my mind that the Republicans constantly fall for it. Someone should write about about the history of the Republican party and title it, 'The Stupid Chronicles'.

One final contrast for the week. On the Left side of the aisle, we have
In a statement sure to rile Republicans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Friday dismissed calls for bipartisanship as “process” arguments extraneous to passing a stimulus bill — and warned Senate Democrats against slashing proposed increases to education spending.

Pelosi — speaking to reporters on the second day of her retreat with House Democrats at a swank Williamsburg, Va., golf resort — was clearly annoyed with Senate attempts to slash up to $100 billion in spending from the $819 billion package the House passed last week.
Can we please stop pandering to the Left about 'bipartisanship' now? How many times do the Democrats have to tell us to kiss off before our idiot elected representatives figure out that only one side of this battle cares one damned bit about 'bipartisanship'?!

[breathe...breathe...think soothing thoughts...]

Anyway, on the other side of the aisle we have
John Thune introduced an amendment to scrap the entire stimulus, and replace it with an across the board middle class tax rebate. Ask the average American family—would you prefer Congress spend tens of millions on STD prevention and fish pathways—or sent you a check for $10,286?
Yes, that was exactly what happened today. Congress could have given the American people the tax equivalent of a check for $10K, but instead we got a tax bill for $1.175 TRILLION!!! Yes, that's right, that's the number we apparently ended with. Don't think those sell-outs are any big heroes, though - as predicted, they got a little bit of money shaved off the price tag, but the Senate version still ended up being bigger than the House bill that passed, so it still ended up worse for you and me.

And, of course, no one has seen the bill yet. The Democrats don't want to post the whole thing (with all the changes they made) until the vote has already occurred, since that might push the approval ratings on this thing from dismal to negative. There's that wondrous Obama transparency again.

That's how they operate. Welcome to the new Democrat Communist majority, where America is no more.

So, this process will continue to play out, and I'll continue to keep you posted. Just brace yourself - this is going to pack a mighty punch when this bill comes due. Just remember who did this to you:

- Barack Obama, the guy who swore up and down that he would
cut taxes on 95% of Americans
- the Democrats, the party with an essentially untouchable majority

- a couple of sell-out RINOs who were willing to be bought out by some bacon bits thrown their way

I say remember this because the only recourse you have -- as you get gouged on a daily basis over the next two years -- is to vote these #@%!#$% out of office. I will post the names of the people who sold out America once the vote is final, and will keep it available until the 2010 election so you can easily refresh your memory.

Oh, speaking of the 2010 elections, here's an interesting
tidbit from VP Joe Biden:
Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged today that Democrats could face political repercussions in 2010 for their support of the $900 billion economic stimulus package.

“But when we do [approve it], I’m sure you’re going to be nailed in ads, ‘Well they voted on that’ 30 second ads,” Biden told roughly 200 members of the House Democratic Caucus gathered here for their three day annual retreat. “I promise you as [a colleague] once said to me, ‘I’ll come campaign for you or against you, whichever will help you the most in your district.’ And so will the president because, again, we’re all in this together.”
This tells me two things. First, that Obama and company don't really care about the fact that these Dems may be sent home for supporting this thing. Oh, sure, they'll come campaign, but when the smoke clears, Obama and Biden will still be in office until at least 2012, so why should they really care about a few Reps who are small fish? They're already preparing the House Dems for potential losses, and telling them to take one for the team.

Second, they know good and well that they're going to get hit hard for this thing, but they don't care. If they get all their plans rammed through before 2010, even a new GOP majority in the House won't be able to roll back all the damage they'll cause (i.e. universal health care, gun restrictions, hideous tax burdens, the socialization of numerous private industries, etc.).

When radical Leftists believe they're invincible, it's a dangerous warning sign to the rest of us.

Finally, John Kerry
let the smelly cat out of the liberal bag today:

I've supported many tax cuts over the years, and there are tax cuts in this proposal. But a tax cut is non-targeted.

If you put a tax cut into the hands of a business or family, there's no guarantee that they're going to invest that or invest it in America.

They're free to go invest anywhere that they want if they choose to invest.

Translation: freedom is the enemy. The freedom to buy what you want to buy, the freedom to go where you want to go, the freedom to live how you want to live. He genuinely believes that he and his liberal friends know how to spend your money better than you do.

People, this is the government we're living under for at least the next two years.

If your eyes weren't opened before to the impending disaster that they will bring down upon us all, they should be now.

There's my two cents.

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