Tuesday, February 10, 2009

News Flash: Americans Aren't Stupid

Someone should tell the Democrats.

Most voters are not happy with the Democrats' trillion-dollar porkfest, and, with the Dems now unambiguously in control in Washington, they know whom to blame. That's the only inference one can draw from Rasmussen's latest generic Congressional preference poll. The parties are now in a virtual dead heat, with 40% preferring a generic Democratic candidate and 39% choosing the generic Republican.

These numbers bounce around a good deal, but it's been quite a while since the parties were this close. On election day the Democrats had a six-point lead, and the margin was seven points as recently as mid-January.

I believe Rasmussen will come out with another survey on the "stimulus" bill tomorrow; it will be interesting to see whether support has continued to drop over the past week, or whether President Obama's intervention has stopped the bleeding. (link)

Then again, I think they already know that Americans aren't stupid - that's why they resort to lying, deceit, and empty promises to win elections, and even then they don't win all the time.  When they can't win elections, of course, they resort to judicial activism from the bench and brainwashing in our public school systems.

This migration away from the radical Leftism that is the modern day Democrat party is no surprise, except perhaps for the timing - I'm not sure anyone predicted it would happen this quickly.  Still, with the near bullet-proof majorities they have in Congress, there's really not much that can be done to stop them.  Recalls, anyone?

There's my two cents.

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