Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday Morning Blood Boilers

Oh, where to begin? There's so much happening that will boil the blood...

Terrorist-pardoner Eric Holder was confirmed as the next Attorney General. Twenty Republicans ignored his history of censorship, pardoning criminals, and anti-gun positions. Missouri's Senator Bond found that Holder was a 'good listener', which is apparently more important than all that other piddly stuff. For repeated votes like this, Bond has proven himself to be a worthless sack of crap. Good riddance in 2010.

Here's the bald-faced
hypocrisy of the latest tax cheat to be named to Obama's cabinet. In 1999, Tom Daschle said, "Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter." Now that he's admitted being a tax cheater himself:

How convenient - it was just a glitch.

Oh, wait, did I say that Daschle was the latest Obama appointee having criminal issues? That was premature on my part. Rep. Hilda Solis, Obama's
pick for Secretary of Labor, has now been found to have direct ties to a lobbyist group. It is illegal, by the way, for someone to be a member of Congress and also lobby Congress at the same time. No matter, I'm sure there will be plenty of stupid Republicans that will vote to confirm her, too.

Senator Chris Dodd, the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, who
encouraged/allowed the entire Fannie/Freddie debacle to occur under his watch, also happened to get a sweetheart loan that saved him thousands on his own mortgage. He pledged to release some documents that were supposed to clear things up, but he stonewalled for months. Now, he's released a report that absolves himself of any wrongdoing. By the way, the press wasn't given copies of the report, and they were only allowed to view it for a short time. That's pretty darned convenient, too, isn't it? I don't think it really mattered, though, since they wouldn't have done anything even if Dodd had written, "I got an illegal mortgage" on there with a giant red Sharpie.

Transparency? What transparency? Despite the repeated chanting about being transparent, honest, and all that crap, the Obamessiah seems to be backtracking in a hurry now that he's actually in office:
The White House has silently tripled the number of Web pages that it forbids Google and other search engines from accessing.
Can't have those nasty searches of the White House web sites now, can we? There has already been so many instances of the Obama cult scrubbing websites when embarrassing items are discovered or things disappearing when his actions don't meet his words, so this shouldn't be that big a surprise to those who have been chronicling these acts.
Aw, gee...it must have been one of those liberal Democrat mistakes.

Bank of America is one of the big entities that has received bailout money. I'm sure that bailout money has saved a bunch of jobs, but the company appears to be far deeper into poor decisions than previously thought. For example, they keep donating to ACORN, a rabid illegal alien-supporting organization that was at the heart of the mortgage meltdown. They also implemented a program to give credit cards to illegal aliens, and were apparently shocked when many of those illegal aliens just walked away from their balances (shocker!). Now, we learn that BoA has also aced out thousands of American workers in favor of foreigners. Sorry, BoA, you're chock full of crap at the top.

Remember that campaign
pledge of Obama's that he didn't take lobbyists' money, and that he wouldn't allow lobbyists into his administration? Eh, never mind. First, he signed an executive order that allowed lobbyists into his administration if they haven't lobbied for two years. Now, he's apparently chucked the whole idea of avoiding lobbyists, as he has allowed one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen lobbyists to work in high-profile positions in the first two weeks of his administration. Hope! CHANGE!

Remember how badly Hurricane Katrina worked out for Bush? He and FEMA were soundly criticized for not leaping to the aid of Katrina victims, and that became a flashpoint for opposition in the following months and years. Don't ask the people of Kentucky about that, because they've been
out of power and freezing -- due to a global-warming-induced ice storm, of course -- since January 27th. So where is Obama and FEMA? Where is the outrage for him leaving all those poor white Kentuckians to freeze to death? Apparently, he has more important things to do, like dine on $100/pound steak.

Obama has also been busy signing executive orders to make the country over into his dream of socialist utopia without bothering with all those messy legislative bills and icky votes. One of the things he's done is
pay back the first installment of those hundreds of millions of dollars the unions spent on getting him elected. It is now easier for union thugs to bully non-union workers around the workplace, for union thugs to sue employers for decades-old perceived bias, and union thugs are now much more easily entrenched into their workplaces. And that's just the first installment...!

Yes, indeedy...it looks like
this is the standard of quality and process we can expect from the Obamessiah: "moral lectures, immoral practices. They pose as virtuous citizens and tell us what to do in myriad ways, and then install serial offenders in the highest positions."


There's my two cents.

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