Here in the USof[socialist-in-the-making]A:
- Real IDs on the way?
- Must we learn to live with radical Islam??
- Is it time to get mean?
- Hosting Geert Wilders.
- Obama administration ponders new weapons ban.
- Holder is clueless on weapons laws.
- 59% still think government is the problem.
- 73% trust people over politicians.
- Dept. of Ed. miscalculates their own budget.
- ACORN is destroying American elections.
- Whew! That was close...the Senate protects $7.7 billion in earmarks.
- TARP was a mistake (oh, really? you think?).
- The great equalizing?
- The key question to ask yourself periodically over the next two years.
- Obama quadruples deficit.
- Another AIG bailout...!
- New Obama pay-to-play scandal.
- Obama denies doing what he is actively doing.
- Re-branding looks like Communism?!
- Alaskan quid pro quo?
- Obama = LBJ, not FDR.
- Still after the birth certificate.
- Obama releases Gitmo dirty bomber trainee.
- Obama's straw men.
- The Navy of the future.
- Why is Obama moving so fast?
- Obama is Europeanizing the U.S.
- Obama silent on sweetheart loan.
- Who's a terrorist again?
- A flawed Afghanistan strategy?
- The truth about Gaza.
- Crime falls in Netherlands...due to enforcement (go figure!).
- U.S. pulls out of Durban II.
- Hamas rejects Clinton.
- Iraq then and now.
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