Monday, March 2, 2009

More On Obama's Cap-And-Trade

As a follow up to this weekend's post on Obama's budget, here's another bit of information on the cap-and-trade energy starvation piece of it. This is Peter Orszag, Obama's White House Budget Director:

My first impression of this clip is shock that George Stephanopolous would ask such a question, and then follow up again after the obvious sidestep answer! My second reaction is shock that George Stephanopolous would ask such a question, and then follow up again after the obvious sidestep answer! My third reaction is that this is something we've looked at before on this fact, this same warning -- cap-and-trade will force prices much higher -- was posted back in November, before the election. And remember, this same cap-and-trade system that Obama wants to implement here is in the process of collapsing under its own weight in Europe right now.

Translation: Obama isn't interested in fixing the economy. He's just interested in breaking as many things as possible to make as many people as possible as desperate as possible, thus allowing him to do whatever he needs to do to 'recover'.

Panic is his ticket to more power.

There's my two cents.

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