Monday, April 6, 2009

Whose Side Are They On, Anyway?

This really says a lot:
FOX News Host Chris Wallace set this up nicely-
Colorado Governor Bill Ritter Jr. defended cutting millions of dollars from higher education. In the next breath says he will grant the advantage of in-state tuition to illegal immigrants.
The whole exchange took less than 2 minutes.

But, like Governor Ritter said, "It's probably only a handful of kids."
What it says #1: Logic need not apply.
What it says #2: An economic crisis is not something to be addressed, but rather a terrific political leverage tool.
What it says #3: 'For the children' can be used on any issue.

What it says #4: American law can be ignored at will.

What it says #5: Of
course they'll do what they say and go for citizenship...! How could you possibly think they'd lie about anything?
What it says #6: Democrats side with illegal immigrants, not Americans.

There's my two cents.

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