Friday, May 1, 2009

Do You Feel Safer?

Powerful stuff from the GOP:

It's about time they hammer away at this! They need to keep this up. Gateway Pundit has more on a related note:
The Republican Leader Boehner reported:

The American people are growing increasingly concerned about the Administration’s strategy – or, more precisely, lack of strategy – when it comes to confronting and defeating the terrorist threat. In fact, according to a new Rasmussen poll, only 42 percent of Americans believe we are winning the war on terrorism. That’s a 20 point drop since February – a staggering decline in confidence as the Administration begins its second 100 days.

Why are Americans having such misgivings about the Administration’s approach to the threat of radical jihadists? House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Intelligence Committee Ranking Republican Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) today released a new web video highlighting some of the reasons – reasons underscored in a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released earlier this week. The poll showed that a majority of Americans oppose the Administration’s political decision to selectively release memos detailing advanced interrogation techniques used on terrorists and oppose the President’s plan to close a terrorist detention facility with no plan for what to do with the terrorists housed there
The Patriot Room has more on this terrific ad.

Related... The Obama administration officials for the second time have overridden objections of federal agencies and are moving quickly to release Chinese Uighur terrorists into the United States.
These Gitmo terrorists will likely receive welfare after they are released.
Do you feel safer?
Answer: NO. That's why guns and ammo are flying off store shelves right now.

Welcome to the Obama Era, where your safety comes first...after the terrorists' safety, that is.

There's my two cents.

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