Friday, May 1, 2009

The Primary Reason We Pray For Obama's Health And Safety

Joe super-gaffetastic Biden, Veep extraordinaire, is about to be sequestered again in his cave out back next to the Rose Garden because of this:

Or, as Ace of Spades, put it: "Coolheaded, Comforting Vice President Reassures Nation on Swine Flu: I Don't Want to Say It's Time to Panic, But OH MY GOD IT'S TIME TO PANIC!"

Other witty gems:

He stops just short of recommending locking yourself in a stainless steel sensory deprivation pod for the next year, year and a half.

But -- don't close the borders. That would be rash.

I haven't been this reassured by an executive officer since Barack Obama threatened to crash Air Force One into the Statue of Liberty.

But "that's me."

Rahm Emmamuel just emailed me to say "Never waste a pandemic." He thinks he can link swine flu to support for doubling teachers' salaries. "They're operating in a war zone 24/7," he explains. I asked him if that meant soldiers should double their salaries, too, but he pirouetted away, which is sort of hard to do in an email. And yet he pulled it off, with moxie and panache.

I'm sure all the people working in the transportation industry are loving Mr. Biden right about now. Thanks for the job security, Mr. Vice President.

Doug Powers chips in:
We can assume that Biden was also only referring to avoiding the subway system between the U.S. and Mexico.
Once again, Jake Tapper is the only reporter actually asking questions and pointing out the stupidity of the administration:

You know it's bad when even the Kool-Aid soaked Obamedia laughs at Gibbs' lame response. Hot Air offers this conclusion:
No one can “clarify” what Greasy Joe said because what he said was perfectly clear: He’s freaked out about swine flu — needlessly — and doesn’t have the good sense as a politician to keep that fact to himself so as not to worry the public. This makes twice now in four days that Team Barry has panicked New York City while providing rich fodder for gallows humor. What do they have planned for the weekend? Obama idly wondering aloud whether skyscrapers built before the 1980s might be structurally unsound?

Tom Maguire said all that needs to be said about this: “They told me that if I voted for McCain we’d have a Vice President who was a moron … and they were right!”

Amen to that!

Biden 'clarified' his own remarks after a short while (presumably from the cave):
“On the Today Show this morning, the vice president was asked what he would tell a family member who was considering air travel to Mexico this week. The advice he is giving family members is the same advice the administration is giving to all Americans: that they should avoid unnecessary air travel to and from Mexico. If they are sick, they should avoid airplanes and other confined public spaces, such as subways. This is the advice the vice president has given family members who are traveling by commercial airline this week. As the president said just last night, every American should take the same steps you would take to prevent any other flu: Keep your hands washed; cover your mouth when you cough; stay home from work if you're sick and keep your children home from school if they're sick.”
Um...that's actually the exact opposite of what he said - it had nothing to do with traveling to Mexico, and it was not in the context of 'any other flu'!

Thus, the cave. Bye, bye, Mr. Vice President! We'll miss hearing from you for a while. And, yes, we'll keep praying for the health and safety of Barack Obama...just in case. You know what they say about being one heartbeat away from the Presidency...

There's my two cents.

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