Thursday, July 12, 2007

More on the New York Times

Remember my recent blog about the New York Times' descent into utter failure? This is a perfect example of why.

On July 8th, the Times published an editorial called 'The Road Home' which was one big surrender-fest. Here's the nutshell version: we've lost, it's all our fault, Bush is stupid, Bush is evil, we're all stupid for believing Bush, Al Qaeda isn't in Iraq, it's all our fault.

Is it any wonder Americans are migrating away from the 'paper of record'? Contrary to what the editors there seem to think, Americans aren't losers, nor stupid, nor at fault here!

Noted commentator Victor Davis Hanson writes a scathing piece today that completely obliterates the Times editorial point by point. I couldn't begin to do it justice to try to summarize, so I suggest you take a moment to read both pieces. Hanson's critique is a thing of beauty.

There's my two cents.

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