Monday, July 16, 2007

Where Is The Outrage?

Last week, freshman Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison compared President Bush to Hitler, and implied that Bush had a hand in the 9/11 attacks.

This isn't the first time that such a vicious accusation has been hurled against the leader of our nation, but these words are a little more vile when uttered by an elected representative of the American people.

Newsbusters says, "Is the press silence due to Ellison being a Democrat, or because he is the first Muslim member of Congress?"

ersonally, I'm not sure which is more disturbing. Either reason is an inexcusable lapse of judgment, and should have invited immediate and severe public ridicule. Even so, I'm not surprised that Ellison said this. He's a far left-winger, and they regularly throw these outrageous verbal bombs. The bigger problem, in my mind, is that there was little if any coverage of these statements in the MSM.

Where is the outrage? Where are the calls for apologies? Where is Howard Dean (head of the Democrat National Convention), Hillary Clinton, or any other prominent Democrat, standing up and saying that Ellison doesn't represent the mainstream Democrat party? Could it be because he does? I'd really love to see some big-time Democrat come out and chastise Ellison, but I'm not holding my breath. Absent such a rebuke, what other conclusion can we come to?

That's the question that should really disturb you, especially if you are a Democrat.

There's my two cents.

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