Friday, July 20, 2007

Voter Fraud - Who Supports It?

Michelle Malkin reports on a late-night Senate action to stop voter fraud perpetrated by illegal aliens and others. She's got a wealth of links about the issue, especially as it relates to illegal aliens, here and here. I'd highly recommend you check this out (I'll get into more of these details as we approach the next election, but not right now)!

Late last night, the Senate failed to take a stand against voter fraud. An amendment to a student loan bill that would require a valid photo ID to be presented when voting was rejected 42-54. Not a single Democrat voted in favor of the amendment.

What's the problem here? Why is it such a hardship to provide a photo ID in order to prove you are who you say you are when you vote? As I've blogged about before, there is no legitimate reason that anyone can't obtain a government-issued photo ID at very minimal cost and hassle. So, the argument about 'voter disenfranchisement' holds no water. What other reasonable objection is there? If you have one, please let me know, because I honestly can't think of one. Seriously, send me an e-mail, because this one completely escapes me.

The only logical conclusion I can come to for why anyone would not want to have this photo ID provision is that they actually want voter fraud to occur. Why would anyone want voter fraud to occur? Because the perpetrators of the fraud are voting for them. Now, I repeat: not a single Democrat voted in favor of the amendment. Let's connect the dots...

There's my two cents.

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