Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fun & Frivolity: Dilbert In The Real World

For those of you who are peons in corporate America like me, you'll get an especially good kick out of this story out of Iowa...

"Dilbert," the newspaper comic that routinely ridicules self-important office managers, is taking aim this week at an Iowa company that fired an employee for posting a "Dilbert" strip in the office.

In a bit of self-referential cartooning, "Dilbert" creator Scott Adams has penned a series of strips that indirectly describe the plight of Dave Steward, a former security supervisor for Catfish Bend Casino in Burlington. Steward, 50, a resident of Fort Madison, was fired by the casino last fall after seven years of employment. He had posted on an office bulletin board a "Dilbert" strip in which the protagonist compares his bosses to a bunch of "drunken lemurs."

Casino 'upper management' canned Steward and challenged his claim to unemployment benefits, prompting national scrutiny on the case.  The judge decided in Steward's favor, saying it was a lapse in judgment rather than intentional misbehavior.

Here's a link to the series, which begins today.

Personally, I think this strip is hilarious!  And, I think it might (maybe...maybe...) be worth it to get fired if it meant you were the inspiration for a whole series of Dilbert comics!

In the end, all that the casino management's actions proved was that the cartoon Steward posted just hit a little too close to home.  :)

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Right Truth said...

I always think of Drew Carey when I see the cartoon

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth