Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quote: Barack Obama; Michelle Obama Audio

Here are a couple good quotes on Barack Obama's lack of substance:

"Senator Barack Obama rejects the 'politics of the past' while borrowing from its phoniest chapters. His promised caravan toward a new Camelot, with Teddy Kennedy bringing up the rear, may generate feelings in Chris Matthews' leg and cause women to swoon, but over time it is likely to pall and bore. Obama's speeches are like cotton candy, sweet but substanceless and dangerous to one's health if turned into a steady diet. Is he saying nothing? Unfortunately not. Glimpsed through the haze of his sophistical rhetoric is something, and it is tiresomely false, namely, the dogmatic assertion that 'hope' and liberalism are synonymous. His reliance on sentiment and rhetoric rather than reasoning to advance that assertion will not inspire a new politics of bipartisan unity but revive old and bitter resentments. Liberalism, after all, has no monopoly on hope, and the chapters of history to which Obama makes implicit reference—the New Frontier and Great Society—concluded in despair. While the Democrats won't stop squealing over him for some time, the larger culture has already begun to mock Obama as a platitudinous lightweight."

-- George Neumayr --

"Up to now, the force of Sen. Obama's physical presentation has so dazzled audiences that it has been hard to focus on precisely what he is saying. 'Yes, we can! Yes, we can!' Can what? Listen closely to that... speech. Unhinge yourself from the mesmerizing voice. What one hears is a message that is largely negative, illustrated with anecdotes of unremitting bleakness. Heavy with class warfare, it is a speech that could have been delivered by a Democrat in 1968, or even 1928... It is a depressing message to ride all the way to the White House... In late December, Gallup released a poll in which 84% of respondents said they were satisfied with their own lives. At some point in the next 10 months, people will have to square Sen. Obama's Grapes of Wrath message with the reality of their lives. Unease about the economy is real, but Sen. Obama is selling more than that. He is selling deep grievance over the structure of American society. That's the same message as John Edwards, or Dennis Kucinich for that matter."

-- Daniel Henninger --

Hat tip for both quotes: Patriot Post.

Also, Hugh Hewitt captures Michelle Obama's
pseudo-spiritual rants about her husband.  Did you know that Barack Obama is the only one who can 'save the soul' of America?  Funny, I thought that 'saving' was not only Jesus Christ's thing, but also a very politically incorrect subject (i.e. religion) to talk about...

For those of you who are thinking of voting for Barack Obama, are you sure you really know what he and his wife are all about?

There's my two cents.

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