Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Legislative Concerns: FISA, LOST, And Shamnesty

Two key pieces of legislation are being addressed in the Senate this week.  First is the FISA extension, which is once again coming due.  The main disagreement here is that Bush and many Republicans are pushing for immunity for telephony providers who cooperate with the government to identify and locate terrorists.  Democrats don't want that immunity clause.

Second is the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), which would put the U.S. military under the control of international governing via the environmentalist movement.

These are being debated this week, so call your Senators TODAY, and give them your opinion.

Finally, it appears that with the imminent choice of either Clinton/Obama and McCain as the next President, shamnesty has already been given new life.  Someone needs to ask McCain if he'll vote for this new shamnesty bill or against it...

There's my two cents.

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