Friday, May 2, 2008

The Question Of Homosexuality And Civilization

This is probably going to be a bit of a controversial post, so if you don't have the stomach for it, please skip it. You have been warned! :)

WorldNetDaily ran a story a few days ago (hat tip Right Truth) about a state-funded organization in Maine that is touting "a stellar program for social change" which essentially provides information to impressionable school-age boys on how to be homosexual. Some excerpts:

The seminar, "Queer, Questioning, Quiet: Developing Gender Identity & Male Sexual Orientation," is promoted by the Boys to Men organization in Portland, Maine, during its coming 2008 conference. The session will feature a presentation by speakers from the homosexual Proud Rainbow Youth for Southern Maine, officials said.

The Boys to Men website advertisement about its conference says the outreach is "targeted primarily to middle and high school boys and their adult male mentors." The workshop on homosexuality, the website said, includes "speakers from the Maine SpeakOut Project and PRYSM (who) will discuss their own coming-out experiences and use these as a springboard for exploring LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered) issues and resources for youth in Southern Maine."

The organization's "core value" page states: "Traditional media and cultural representations of masculinity and femininity are too narrowly defined and contribute to destructive and damaging behavior towards individuals of all genders and ages. We are committed to eliminating the inequalities and institutional injustices that result from these traditional media and cultural representations of masculinity."

"This continues to happen to impressionable young boys," Michael Heath, chief of the Christian Civic League of Maine, said. "The sad thing is the boys who are least able to endure this message, this confusion, are the ones they're preying upon."

He said the New England states are just about even with California in pursuit of a sexual liberation that makes the hippies' free love atmosphere of the 1960s look staid.

"We have laws protecting transgenders. We have a 10-year-old boy [in the state] being raised as a girl. The elementary school is being forced to allow the boy to use the bathroom with the girls," Heath said.

He said it's so important that families, and especially parents of younger children, realize the "sexual orientation cabal" that is flooding his state and region.

As you can see, this is a deliberate effort to push the idea of homosexuality into the consciousness of young children through the public school system. WND has reported on direct public school involvement in this movement before. And, I mentioned the movement quite some time ago in a previous blog (got some fun comments on that one), including some information showing that this movement goes back decades.

I heard on the radio the other day the statement that total acceptance of homosexuality is one of the signs that a civilization is in decline. That's a loaded statement, and unfortunately the speaker didn't go into any more detail about it. But, I poked around a little bit and found that this suggestion is very controversial and quite hard to prove or disprove. The general consensus I saw from several places is that homosexuality is not the cause of the decline, but rather an outward sign that the society has already departed from its original core values. It is that departure from core moral values that actually causes the decline.

Take some time to think about this suggestion. Does it make sense to you? It makes way too much sense to me to ignore it. Refusal to discuss the hard questions is part of our problem nowadays, I think, which is why I wanted to put the question to you.

For some additional reading about the topic, check out this discussion of the stages of a civilization, including the most common causes of decline. Also, here is a link to ten signs of a culture's end. Both include specific references to a civilization's decline being directly related to a departure from moral standards, including homosexuality. I find it intriguing that this second link is actually a resource at the Clinton Presidential Library (the Clintons are distinctly pro-homosexual and an argument could be made that they violated just about every one of the ten!). It almost seems like a spoof or something, but I can't determine that it is...

Nevertheless, there does not appear to be any doubt of a connection between the acceptance of homosexuality and the decline of a civilization, but I'm not sure that the exact nature of that connection should matter to us at this point in our history. The fact is that the connection exists, and that should be enough for us -- especially if we call ourselves Christians in a Christian nation -- to start shaking ourselves out of complacency and start fighting the momentum of the liberal homosexual agenda. Does it really matter whether it causes the decline or is a signal that the decline is already in progress? We need to start fighting it now if we want America to continue in its current form as a predominantly moral leader of the world.

There's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

Good Post! I read the article on WND. I love the way you recap the situation!!

B J C said...

Thank you! I'm glad you found it useful, and I appreciate your kind words! :)