Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another One Goes Under The Bus

From Michelle Malkin:
"[I]t’s a new verse of the same old song as James Johnson, the Fannie Mae exec who got the sweetheart loans from a shady subprime lender Barack Obama had railed against on the campaign trail, has become a political liability.

So now he’s off of Barry O’s vice-presidential search team"

Question–so if James Johnson didn’t really “work” for Obama, can he resign from a job he never had?
What do I always say about a pattern of behavior? I think it's been clearly established that this is, in fact, a pattern. Once again, we must pose the question: if Obama isn't deliberately choosing to associate himself with these unsavory characters, then shouldn't we be concerned about his shockingly bad ability to judge character?

This guy is bad news, and cannot be allowed to run the country.

There's my two cents.

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