Monday, June 2, 2008

Green Legislation Alert!

Michelle Malkin has a load of detail on the current green screw-you...I mean, legislation being debated in the Senate this week.

Text of the bill.

Senator James Inhofe -- one of the loudest Congressional critics of global warming hysteria -- had this to say about this bill a couple weeks ago [emphasis mine]:

"The latest version is nothing more than window dressing for a bill that has been exposed by numerous government and private analyses as costly and damaging to America," Senator Inhofe said. "Lieberman-Warner will redistribute over $5.6 trillion from American consumers to pet congressional projects. Despite paying for the trillions of dollars mandated by this cap-and-trade scheme, American families and workers will only receive back $800 billion in consumer tax relief — $7 paid for every $1 returned.

"The fact is that the Lieberman-Warner bill is the largest pork bill ever considered by Congress. No matter how many revisions this bill undergoes, it remains a massive redistribution of wealth, the largest new tax and spend program in our Nation's history. The handouts being offered by the sponsors of this bill come straight from the pocket of families and workers in the form of higher gas, power, and heating bills. The newly revised Lieberman-Warner bill offers nothing new except more pain at the gas pump and more expensive consumer goods."

The Institute for Energy Research has extensive details on the cost of this bill here.  It ain't pretty...for you and me, that is.  For the government and environmentalist wackos, it's utopia.  From the NYT:

Republicans are actually pleased the legislation is coming to the floor at the moment, because they think it will given them a platform to talk about how emissions curbs will drive up already soaring energy costs. Conversely, some Democrats are far from thrilled.

I'll bet they're not.  It sucks when you're trying to hide something from the American people -- something you know they won't agree to -- and a giant spotlight is shining on it.  I hope the Reps milk this one for all it's worth because it is truly a winning issue.  If they can frame the debate as Dems boosting government in the name of a fraudulent save-the-planet bill (which is the truth), they could get tremendous mileage out of this.

The bottom line is this: the Lieberman-Warner bill is one of the biggest reaches of government into your pocket and your lives that we are likely to see in our lifetime (unless the Democrats get a landslide victory this November).  Prices on energy will soar, and that means literally everything will become more expensive for you and your family.  The result is little -- if any -- change in the environment or consumer protection.  Entrepreneur Herman Cain puts it
this way:

The Lieberman-Warner bill is a cap-and-tax energy scheme, a carbon-emissions rationing program, a new tax on businesses and consumers, a new big government central agency and new career opportunities for thousands of new lobbyists specializing in greenhouse gas regulations…

… The bill also establishes the Carbon Market Efficiency Board, which shall report on the national greenhouse gas emission market and provide cost relief measures if it determines significant harm to the U.S. economy.

Give me a break!

The people who conceived and wrote this crap are obviously descendants of the same people who wrote the original tax code in 1913, the Social Security legislation in 1935, the Medicare bill of 1965 and the out-of-control prescription drug legislation of 2004.

Just look at how well all of these "the government knows best" programs are working today, and we have a good idea of where this latest giant leap for mankind will work for our grandchildren.

Call your Senators, and keep calling them until this legislation goes away.  There is no doubt - it WILL hit you square in the pocketbook, and it WON'T save the planet.  It's just the latest scheme by liberals at wresting control of your life from you.

There's my two cents.

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