Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fun Reader Participation

I've had a couple readers contact me about swapping links, and I like both of their sites, so I wanted to take a post specifically to share them with you.

First we have a humorous test that will help you identify if you're
a Conservative, a Liberal, a Libertarian, or a Communist (if you don't already have a pretty good idea, you REALLY need to get out more). It's good for more than a few hefty chuckles, so take a couple minutes to check it out:

Here are just a few of my favorites to get you started:

1: Government's practice of stealing from the rich to give to the poor is...

CONS: a crime.

LIBL: a brave, generous and heroic deed.

LBRT: a foolish, misguided attempt at social engineering.

COMM: an inspiration to us all.

10: What techniques are best for maintaining discipline in the classroom?

CONS: If just one student misbehaves, severely punish the entire class.

LIBL: Force boys who refuse to settle down to take psychotropic drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac.

LBRT: Anyone who doesn't want to be in class can leave.

COMM: Anyone who doesn't want to be in class can be made an example of.

86: What is the best method for a sitting president to handle negative press coverage?

CONS: Accuse the media of being liberally biased, and then reassure the American people by telling them that their president is not a crook.

LIBL: Accuse the media of being duped into reporting a false and slanderous story concocted by an embittered person with an axe to grind, and then reassure the American people by telling them that their president did not have sexual relations with that woman.

LBRT: Admit he screwed up.

COMM: Round up the reporters and send them to reeducation camps.

113: What method would you use to combat federal budget deficits?

CONS: Lower the size of the spending increases already planned in next year's budget.

LIBL: Turn the Justice Department loose on large corporations. File lawsuits against every business whose activities even remotely harm the health and well-being of others, including these evil paradigms of modern villainy:

- Big Cars, for alleged injuries resulting from failing to lobby strongly enough to prevent auto airbags from becoming mandatory optional equipment.

- Big Boobs, for faux silicone breast implant illnesses inflamed by the media's feeding frenzy of fear induced mass hysteria.

- Big Mines, for the severe emotional anguish environmentalists must endure just thinking about all the havoc and habitat degradation caused by strip mining.

- Big Box Discount Retailers, for the unfair business practice of attracting customers away from their competitors by unscrupulously selling products at lower prices.

- Big Processed Foods, for the severe mental trauma endured by diners having to worry about the long term consequences of eating foods containing chemicals with scary sounding names like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).

- Big Internet Chat Rooms, for dashing the hopes and dreams of millions of singles and married people still searching for that someone special.

LBRT: Eliminate every federal spending program except the Department of Defense. Then cut defense spending by replacing career soldiers with private mercenaries.

COMM: Make people stand in even longer lines to receive government services.

169: Do women belong in combat?

CONS: No. Women on the frontlines would seriously hinder our military readiness. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

LIBL: Yes. Women are just as capable and bloodthirsty as men.

LBRT: If they've got the guts, they deserve a shot at the gory glory.

COMM: No. During times of military conflict, a woman's place is in the munitions factory.

Read and enjoy!

Next, we have a new blogger in the blogosphere: The Elephant Forum. Though relatively new, he writes like an old-timer, with lots of links and references to back up his points. He's got a snarky streak, too, which makes his posts great fun to read, so go check him out!

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