Friday, June 6, 2008

Pfleger Update

Barack Obama's friend of almost 20 years, Father Michael Pfleger -- Obama's other hate-spewing racist pastor -- warrants his own update.  Hopefully you saw my previous blog that included Pfleger's vile words from a few days ago.  If not, go check it out.

Pfleger has a history of being controversial.  In fact, he's been taunting the Catholic Church for years to fire him, and they haven't done it.  They haven't 'had the balls' to do it.  Well, after his hate-filled rant at Obama's church, the fallout was huge.  Not only did Obama throw him under the bus and quit the church -- interestingly enough, Obama quit the church after a white pastor said these things, which were essentially the same as the black pastor he'd been listening to for years, don't you think? -- but the public pressure also cranked up.  He defended himself by saying he thought the church's streaming video was down, but I'm not sure that helped anything.  Isn't he just admitting that he knew he shouldn't have been saying those things?  That's like admitting that stealing is wrong to the policeman who finally chased you down after robbing a bank.  He's not sorry he did it, he's sorry he got caught.

Anyway, he tried to get some sympathy, but even the Chicago Sun-Times' Cathleen Falsani found it distasteful:

Pfleger's about as cowed as I've ever seen him. He's reeling, really, from what he admits is a difficult predicament of his own making. Over the weekend, he said that the days since his Trinity address had been the most difficult of his life, even more painful than when his foster son Jarvis was gunned down near St. Sabina on May 30, 1998.

I've spoken to Pfleger many times about Jarvis' death and couldn't believe he said this. It sounded like the worst kind of narcissism, and I told him so.

"This is a dangerous time in America, the freest country in the world," Pfleger says, "where you have to whisper your thoughts."

Oh, please!  You had years of shouting your hate-filled bile from the pulpit!

Finally, after a major petition circulated through the Catholic church, the Cardinal appeared to find some 'balls' and ditched Pfleger.

Good riddance.  Michelle Malkin quotes Proverbs 29:23: A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.  Amen!

But I'm sure he'll be back in the conversation as Obama gets closer to November.  Just wait...

There's my two cents.

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