Friday, June 13, 2008

Pelosi On High Gas Prices: Just Deal With It

This is your Democrat leadership in action (or lack of):

Congressional Republicans vowed on Thursday to make a major push for more U.S. oil and gas drilling and in the process force Democrats to cast difficult votes at a time of skyrocketing gasoline prices.

With the November congressional and presidential elections looming, Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are blaming each other for rising energy costs and gasoline prices that are topping $4 a gallon.

Republicans cited Democratic opposition to opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and more offshore areas to oil and gas exploration and drilling.

House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said Republicans would try to raise public awareness and force more votes on the issue. He said Republicans would back a comprehensive approach of more oil and gas drilling as well as energy conservation and moves toward alternative fuels supported by Democrats.

"Over the next five months, House Republicans will fight every single day to hold Democrats accountable for their dismal record on producing more energy in our country," Boehner told reporters.

Many democrats oppose opening ANWR and more offshore sites to oil and gas drilling and support conservation and developing more alternative energy sources to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. But Republicans believe rising gasoline prices will build public support for expanding U.S. oil and gas development.

"We cannot drill our way out of this," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California countered.

Not with you idiot Democrats and environmentalists subverting every attempt at achieving a little more energy independence!

The point for you to take away from this is to -- the next time you shake your head at the excessive price you pay to fill up your car with gas -- just remember which party has pledged to fight for more energy production (thus lower cost) for you, and which party completely refuses to do anything to help you.

There's my two cents.

PS - Sign the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition and pass it along to everyone you know.

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