Friday, June 13, 2008

Democrat *Ahem* Ethical Problems

From the party who promised us the 'most ethical Congress in history' we have a new campaign ad encouraging promiscuous sex that will soon be unleashed on the American public:

Well, this explains the New York City herpes epidemic, I guess. Via ABC News comes word of the Left's latest Internet sales pitch. Vote Democrat: Have more promiscuous sex!

A brief description of the video:

A stunning 20-something woman hooks up with a seemingly innocent guy at a rowdy singles bar. Hot foreplay starts on the cab ride home and progresses into the bedroom.

That is until, while searching for a condom in the bedside table, she sees a photo signed "Thanks for your support!" from Republican candidate John McCain.

Horrified, she bolts, dropping her bag and spilling a campaign button on the sidewalk: "I only sleep with Democrats." The camera quickly cuts to a cool, bespectacled man with a donkey pin on his lapel. The couple's eyes lovingly lock.

"Blue Balled" — an edgy, video short distributed on YouTube and other Web sites this week — has a simple message: If you vote Democrat, you are intellectual, hip and savvy. If you vote Republican, you are an untouchable — bumbling, square and uptight.

Did we forget to mention that McCain's adoring fan knocked over his beer at the bar, offered his erstwhile one-night-stand a Johnny Walker Red and lined up his shoes at the bedroom door before jumping into the sack?

The Democrat's drop-dead gorgeous face was framed with hip, wire-rimmed glasses and luscious, well-groomed locks.

Not only does the Democrat party endorse wild unrestrained sex (it's a good thing they learned how to put condoms on cucumbers when they were in school, isn't it?), they continue to affirm the fact that there are two sets of rules: one for them, and one for everyone else, especially as it relates to money.

Well, well, well. I guess we won't be hearing Barack Obama fuming about these cozy home loan deals, either. Portfolio has the scoop on special Countrywide loan arrangements received by Democrat Sens. Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Kent Conrad of North Dakota.

Let me repeat that, because it won't get blaring front-page or nightly news treatment. The recipients were Democrat Sens. Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad.

As you know, Obama's VP vetter Jim Johnson stepped down from the campaign search committee over similar arrangements with Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozila.

Conrad played dumb, saying he didn't know the terms of his loan.  But, he just happens to be the chairman of the Budget Committee and a member of the Finance Committee for the Senate.  Does he really expect us to believe that someone in such a position would be unaware of the terms of his own loan?  Or, could we possibly conclude -- given that everyone else involved is part of a huge Countrywide scandal -- that he is simply playing by the set of rules laid out for him?  Where's John Edwards when you need a good explanation of the two Americas??

Michelle Malkin calls for an investigation into the most ethical Congress in history...but don't hold your breath.

I'm seriously beginning to question how anyone with any moral or ethical standards can maintain an affiliation with the Democrat party.

There's my two cents.

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