Thursday, June 19, 2008

Makeover For Michelle

From the New York Times:

Michelle Obama's eyes flicker tentatively even as she offers a trained smile. As her campaign plane arcs over the Flathead Range in Montana, she is asked to consider her complicated public image.

Conservative columnists accuse her of being unpatriotic and say she simmers with undigested racial anger. A blogger who supported Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton circulates unfounded claims that Mrs. Obama gave an accusatory speech in her church about the sins of "whitey." Mrs. Obama shakes her head.

"You are amazed sometimes at how deep the lies can be," she says in an interview. Referring to a character in a 1970s sitcom, she adds: "I mean, 'whitey'? That's something that George Jefferson would say. Anyone who says that doesn't know me. They don't know the life I've lived. They don't know anything about me."

Now her husband's presidential campaign is giving her image a subtle makeover, with a new speech in the works to emphasize her humble roots and a tough new chief of staff. On Wednesday, Mrs. Obama will do a guest turn on "The View," the daytime talk show on ABC, with an eye toward softening her reputation.

That's right, a makeover to make her look 'softer'.  Michelle Obama has apparently been wrongly quoted...I mean, accused of saying that she just recently began to love her country.  She has been repeatedly recorded and transcripted...I mean, misunderstood about countless stories of racial unfairness and bitterness.  She has been mistakenly discovered...I mean, falsely portrayed as associating for decades with obviously racist, anti-American figures on a weekly basis (and being married by one, and having her children baptized by one).  She has been caught...I mean, wrongly charged with holding long-term relationships with domestic terrorists who have publicly stated they wished they could have bombed more American targets.  She has been busted...I mean, innocently caught up in a scandal of a convicted felon who raised money for them and sold them a house at well below market price.

This poor girl - everyone is being so MEAN to her!

Excuse me while I go vomit...

Okay, I'm back now.  Would someone please explain to me why all of these potential Democrat First Ladies need a makeover?  And, honestly, what are they making over?  Are they hiding something?  Why do they not think that Michelle Obama should just be who she is?  If you're an Obama supporter, what do you make of this?  Would you rather see a facade, or a real person?  Are they afraid that the American people don't want someone like Michelle Obama to live in the White House and represent our country to the rest of the world?

Go figure.

There's my two cents.

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