Monday, June 23, 2008

Quotes On Barack Obama

Heavy-Handed Politics recently posted two great quotes addressing Barack Obama's tax plan and level of preparedness:

"Barack Obama thinks it is fair to increase the tax on the man who harvests 200 watermelons, and reduce the tax on the man who harvests 100 watermelons, using the flawed logic that since the second man has more, he can afford it. This logic ignores the principle that what a person earns should be his. It ignores the principle of equal opportunity, and equal burden. And, perhaps worst of all, it penalizes productivity and success."
-- Henry Lamb --

"From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days (4 & 3/4 months) of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days. I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that."
-- Columnist Cheri Jacobus --

Think hard, Obama supporters...think hard...

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