Monday, June 23, 2008

How's This For Change?

Call me crazy, but this is very disturbing:

Sen. Barack Obama has promised "change," and his campaign has already been hard at work changing one of the basic symbols of the nation — the Presidential Seal.

On Friday, the press was abuzz over the new seal, which was unveiled on Obama's podium when he spoke to a group of Democratic governors.

While the Obama seal does include the American bald eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch, the resemblance ends there.

The Latin phrase "E Pluribus Unum," which translates to "Out of many, one," now says "Vero Possumus." Press reports translate the Latin words as "Truly, we are able" — a rough translation of the Obama campaign slogan, "Yes we can."

The deletion of "E Pluribus Unum," long considered the de-facto motto of the United States, is not accidental for multiculturalists, who have long denigrated the concept that immigrants must strip away their old culture in favor of the "oneness" of American civilization.

In the 1990s, such activists promoted the alternative concept of the nation's ethnic "mosaic," rather than a single, overarching metaphor to describe American society. For example, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has pointedly criticized the "E Pluribus Unum" motto as not reflecting the nation's diversity.

Other Obama changes to the seal include the removal of the shield over the eagle's breast, representing the president's oath to defend the Constitution. The shield has been replaced with the letter "O" — presumably for Obama — and the image of a rising sun.

"This is too serious a contest about too serious of issues for a candidate to be playing make-believe on the trail," Brian Rogers, a spokesman for presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, told The Los Angeles Times.

It's one thing to talk about 'change' as a campaign motto, but it's quite another to actively take a swipe at many of the things that has made (and continues to make) this nation great.  Barack Obama is openly promising to do just that.

So, let's review.  A vote for Barack Obama is a vote for these 'changes' (among others):
- universal health care which will be more expensive, harder to get, and of lower quality, paid for by you the taxpayer
- universal schooling including kindergarten sex-ed, paid for by you the taxpayer
- burdensome and oppressive 'green' regulation that controls your life based on a myth, paid for by you the taxpayer
- open borders and rampant illegal immigration, including job protections, government benefits, free health care, and reduced college tuition, paid for by you the taxpayer
- fighting global poverty, paid for by you the taxpayer
- abortion on demand at all times throughout a pregnancy, paid for by you the taxpayer
- massive increases in government spending and entitlement programs, paid for by you the taxpayer
- a total disarmament of American military might, which keeps Americans safe
- a pledge to converse with our sworn enemies while they plot to nuke us
- placing diversity and racial divisions above the unity of an American identity - the melting pot goes away
- the President no longer has to uphold and defend the Constitution

Change?  Oh, yes.  Undeniable, destructive, anti-American, disastrous change.

There's my two cents.

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