Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wars And Rumors Of Wars

I was shocked -- SHOCKED! -- today to see a story about how Hamas has broken the most recent truce with Israel in Gaza:

Militants in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip fired several rockets into southern Israel on Tuesday, breaching a five-day-old ceasefire after Israeli troops killed two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

"This is a blatant violation of the calm, and we will weigh options," an aide quoted Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as saying after the rockets struck.

The Egyptian-brokered truce, which took effect last Thursday, calls on Hamas to prevent cross-border fire from the Gaza Strip, which it seized by force a year ago.

The ceasefire, under which Israel agreed to halt its own operations in the Gaza Strip and to ease its economic blockade of the impoverished enclave, does not apply to the West Bank.

Actually, I'm amazed those barbarians made it five whole days without killing or attacking Israelis.  Nevertheless, this is a supremely good example of the value of a truce with radical Islamic terrorists - it's absolutely worthless.  Remember in a recent post where we saw some Islamic religious passages that stated truces were to be only used for re-arming and gathering strength?  Bingo.

So, let's extrapolate.  Barack Obama thinks he can sit down and negotiate peace with the likes of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (another Islamic radical).  It's beyond ludicrous to think he would actually be able to negotiate some sort of treaty, but let's grant that ridiculous premise just for argument's sake.  Based on what we see of how Hamas values their truces, how valuable is this new treaty Obama has secured?  It's absolutely worthless.  Let's think a little bit about consequences before we vote, shall we?

Now let's turn to the question of whether or not Israel will attack Iran to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons.  I posted yesterday about John Bolton's statement that he thinks Israel will wait until after the election but before the inauguration.  The rationale for this is that they don't want to interfere with our election process, but that they simply can't afford to wait until Iran goes nuclear since Iran has repeatedly announced Israel's imminent destruction.  By taking action before the inauguration, Bush can (and likely will) provide American assistance, at least politically, to any Israeli actions.  But, an Obama victory will almost certainly fail to take any action on Israel's behalf, and they know it, so they have to move before he takes office.

It is sad that our American leadership has become so weak-willed that they are potentially going to sit idly by while one of our closest allies gets nuked.  It is severely disappointing that much of the American Left would gladly allow it to happen, and continue to do nothing even after it has been proven that Iran did it and is gunning for us next.  This is what liberalism has done for our nation, and the danger it poses to our nation's future is nothing short of devastating.  Do we really need to see a mushroom cloud and count millions of dead before we will stop this tyrant from unleashing his apocolyptic dreams upon the world?

Apparently, liberals do.  This is why they cannot be trusted with our national security.

Another concern of mine is this whole idea of another war in the Middle East.  With Russia lining up solidly behind Iran, and with the U.S. waffling on its support of Israel, things are shaping up eerily like Rosenberg's Epicenter prediction.  If you want more information on that, click here, here, or here.

There is one thing we can be assured of, however.  We will not see any major terrorist attacks on America between now and the election.  For months, we have seen essentially every dictator, terrorist, and international thug come out in support of Barack Obama.  Have you stopped to ask yourself why?  It's because they know he will do nothing of substance to stop them.  For all of John McCain's weaknesses (and they are significant, to be sure), one of his strengths is that there is every reason to believe he will aggressively protect this country with military force, and will prosecute the War on Terror as strongly as Bush has.  Sadly, the American attention span is less than the seven years it's been since 9/11, and the fervor against terrorism has cooled considerably.  If another major attack occurs now, the American people will once again awaken to the fact that we're still at war.  If that happens, the election will be over in a heartbeat because Obama is not qualified to bring John McCain a report on war, much less better qualified to lead the country through a war.  Thus, no attacks.

There's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

The hope I have is that we - and certainly the MSM - do not know all the information. Surely there are government operations going on that we have no clue about that would prevent or dismantle Iranian attacks? Reading all this stuff is unnerving!

B J C said...

I agree with you! In some ways, it's good that we never quite know the full story, but in other ways, it's very frustrating to not understand what's being done on our behalf.

It should be unnerving to everyone! The thing that continually amazes me is how few people are even aware of what's going on, much less understand it! I'm no expert in any of this stuff, but I at least try to pay attention! I hope more people come around to that before things go past some currently unknown point of no return!

Only time will tell...

Thanks for your comment!