Monday, January 26, 2009

The Bailout List

We've heard a LOT about bailouts over the past few months, but do you really know who got bailed out?  You probably know that many companies have lined up with their hands out for taxpayer money, but do understand how long the list has become?  You probably recall the first few to get our money, like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, JP Morgan Chase, AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and, of course, the $160 billion direct-to-taxpayer bailout of 'stimulus checks'.  But, did you know about all of these others who have asked for bailouts:
I'm guessing you didn't know about most of these.  All in all, the U.S. taxpayer is on the hook for several trillion dollars worth of assets across all industries, as much as half of the net worth of the entire nation by some estimates.  In some cases (particularly with the big banks), these bailout funds are being spent on corporate jets, posh retreats, or huge bonuses.  In most cases, there is none of the promised transparency or accountability, so these huge sums of taxpayer money have effectively evaporated into thin air.  While some might argue with a certain degree of reasonableness that some of these big investment banks and other important institutions need the help and are worth the risk of taxpayer funding, I think we can all agree that most of these on this list lack any legitimate argument for 'needing' public money (yes, even porn and sock puppets).  If these entities or industries are failing, they should recover or finish the job themselves; public money has no place in their business model, period.

This bailout madness has played out exactly as conservatives predicted last fall: it won't work, it will be lacking in oversight and transparency, and once the first one goes through there will be an endless waiting list for more bailouts.

'See, I told you so' is woefully inadequate to express the situation.

There's something that must be done now to prevent things from becoming even worse.  Obama and the Democrats are pushing the next massive bailout: his so-called 'stimulus' plan.  As discussed last week, this 'stimulus' plan isn't so much a plan to stimulate the economy as it is a thinly disguised way to buy off the American public in such a way that permanently entrenches Democrat power and moves America toward full-blown socialism.

So, the quintessential question is: why is America not listening to conservatives on how this 'stimulus' is playing out?  We were the ones who have been right all along, and we're right on this one, too.  It's because the media is wholly owned by the same socialist, Leftist, radical ideology of Obama and the Congressional Democrats, so the truth is simply not being reported.  Most Americans have no idea what's really going on and that the single biggest transformation in American history is only a few votes away from becoming reality.

You're part of the solution - spread the TRUTH to your family and friends, then start calling and e-mailing your Senators and Representative to tell them your thoughts.  Congress shoved through the first bailout despite almost 90% of the American public opposing it; it will take even more opposition to kill this one.  Gird your loins.  It's time to go to work.

There's my two cents.

PS - I'd be surprised if I haven't missed some other bailouts here and there, so if you know of another one and can send me the link, I'll add it to the list.  Thanks!

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