Friday, January 30, 2009

When Will They Learn?

This is what drives me absolutely crazy about some Republicans!  Eric Holder is one of the worst possible choices for Attorney General, but the GOP apparently isn't going to fight his appointment.  Try to hold your gag reflex down:

At the Washington Times, the excellent Eli Lake says yes—Holder has reportedly assured Sen. Kit Bond that he will not launch prosecutions against intelligence officers and political officials who authorized enhanced interrogation techniques:

Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond, Missouri Republican and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in an interview with The Washington Times that he will support Eric H. Holder Jr.'s nomination for attorney general because Mr. Holder assured him privately that Mr. Obama's Justice Department will not prosecute former Bush officials involved in the interrogations program....  Mr. Bond also said that Mr. Holder told him in a private meeting Tuesday that he will not strip the telecommunications companies that cooperated with the National Security Agency after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks of retroactive legal immunity from civil lawsuits — removing another potential sticking point among GOP senators.

The report adds that Holder's assurance to Sen. Bond echoes one he gave in writing last week to Sen. Kyl and Sen. Cornyn:

Mr. Holder made a similar point to senators last week in a little-noticed written response to questions from Republican Sens. Jon Kyl of Arizona and John Cornyn of Texas. Mr. Holder indicated that he would not prosecute any intelligence officers who participated in the interrogation program and who had followed Justice Department guidance.  "Prosecutorial and investigative judgments must depend on the facts and no one is above the law," Mr. Holder wrote. "But where it is clear that a government agent has acted in 'reasonable and good faith reliance on Justice Department legal opinions' authoritatively permitting his conduct, I would find it difficult to justify commencing a full blown criminal investigation, let alone a prosecution."


Okay, are they really so stupid that they're going to take this guy at his word?  First, he never said flat out: I'll never prosecute blah blah blah.  He danced around it, but he never said it.  Second, even if he had said it...he's a liberal!  Since when do their promises bind them to anything?  It sure doesn't make one bit of difference for Obama, so why would it make a difference for his minions?  And you know good and well that the rabid Bush-hating wacko Left is out for blood (there have already been calls for prosecuting Bush for 'war crimes'), so the pressure on Holder to move forward with some of this stuff is only going to get worse.

You know what this reminds me of?  Bill Cosby once did a hilarious routine describing some historical events as if they had been dictated by a coin toss at the beginning:

"General Cornwallis of the British, this is General Washington of the Continental Army."
"General Washington of the Continental Army, this is General Cornwallis of the British."
"If you'd shake hands, gentlemen."
"O.K., British call the toss."
"British called heads, it is tails."
"General Washington, what are you gonna do?"
"General Washington says his troops will dress however they wish, in any color, in buckskins and coonskin caps, and hide behind the rocks and trees and shoot out at random."
"British, you will all wear bright red, all shoot at the same time, and march forward in a straight line."

The British = the GOP.

Stupid, stupid, stupid...

There's my two cents.

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