Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fat Virus

Oh boy:
It turns out that a nefarious conspiracy between genetics, sloth, and the irresistibility of deep-fried carbs may not be to blame for people's flab after all. Scientists in Louisiana have studied a common cold virus, Adenovirus-36, and found that obese individuals are nearly three times as likely to have it. "When this virus goes to the fat tissue," explains Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar, "it replicates making more copies of itself and in the process increases the number of fat cells."

In response to this horrifying/illuminating news, the BBC fulfils its role as pillar of journalistic integrity and asks the all-important question: "Should we be shunning fat people?" Dr. Dhrandhar stops short of a categorical "no," but does point out that those with the virus are probably only infectious for a couple of months. Still, if you were already looking for an excuse to keep away from your obese co-workers, well, there you go.

Or...and I'm just thinking out loud here...it could be that fat people are those who eat like a starved goat all the time and only leave the couch to refill the potato chip bowl.

Just a thought. But I'm no scientist.

This would, however present a problem for those denied services due to obesity if the Democrats' socialist health care gets passed, would it not? Remember that old facet of liberalism: since it never relies on actual truth, it always eventually comes into conflict with itself.

Case in point.

There's my two cents.

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