Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Liberalism Works In Real Life

This is just great:
Asthma patients nationwide are getting little more than sympathy — and not much of that — from government agencies and health officials in response to their complaints about the new ban on chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) albuterol inhalers and the life-threatening problems many say they are having with the environmentally-friendly hydroflouroalkane (HFA) rescue inhalers.

In just the last few days, has heard from more than 125 asthma and pulmonary patients who are outraged and frightened by the government's "life-threatening" ban on CFC inhalers —which took effect on December 31, 2008 —and the ineffectiveness of the new HFA alternative inhalers.

So far, Congressional leaders have not responded to our inquiries about patients' concerns. ...

While politicians stall and agencies stonewall, continues to hear from angry and scared asthma and pulmonary patients. Not one of them has expressed support for the ban on the CFC "rescue" inhalers or told us the HFA-models are an effective alternative.

So, what we have here is that the government has banned an effective asthma treatment because it contains the politically incorrect compound CFC. Liberals can't put up with anything that's not politically correct, so they banned the inhaler and replaced it with something that is far less effective. But, as usual when liberals get going, it gets worse:
In fact, most told us the HFA inhalers made their asthmas worse.

Many also said they're shocked by what they call the FDA's "lack of concern" and "ignorance" about this issue – especially its position that pulmonary patients will just have to get used to the HFA inhalers and remember to take deep breaths when using the devices.

This is liberalism at work in the real world. But hey, since when do liberals care about the fate of real human beings when one of their pet politically correct causes is at stake?

There's my two cents.

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