Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How's That Budget Coming Along?

My, my, my...

A site called Innocent Bystanders, with which I was not familiar, has done a real service. Geoff, the proprietor, noted this prediction by Barack Obama's economists in January 2009 of what would happen with, and without, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan," better known as the pork bill. Obama's economists summed up their projections neatly in this graph; click to enlarge:


Such concrete projections--unfortunately for Obama--can be checked. Geoff at Innocent Bystander has begun charting reality against Obamanomics, with this graph:


As you can see, we are currently in a little worse shape than Obama's economists predicted we would be without the "stimulus" bill. Does this mean we can conclude that the $800 billion "stimulus" was a failure, that did nothing but drive the country deeper into debt? Does it mean that Obamanomics isn't "saving or creating" millions of jobs after all? Does it suggest that the administration's wild, wasteful spending and impending tax increases are actually destroying jobs? Shouldn't someone at least think to ask these questions at Obama's next press conference?

It won't happen, unless Jake Tapper is up for it. None of the other White House reporters seem to have the brains to do more than simply read and repeat their pre-approved question cheat sheets. Bottom line:
...the unemployment numbers track exactly with Obama's prediction of what would happen without his Spendulus.

So what has the Spendulus accomplished? According to Obama's own predictions, nothing.

One minor correction...the Spendulus did accomplish something huge: a massive expansion of government and a takeover of private industry. Not that any of that is a good thing, of course.

The key is to refuse to let Obama and the Democrats blame these deficits and this spending on Bush. They're trying it on a daily basis. Just watch. The reality is that the biggest Bush deficit was a couple hundred billion dollars, and all of this new spending has happened on Obama's watch. Under Obama, the national deficit will be quadrupled in under three months! Obama has spent more money in his first 100 days than all other Presidents have spent throughout the 200+ years of America's history...combined!

This is Obama's debacle. Make him own it.

There's my two cents.

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