Friday, February 1, 2008

Closing Ranks Against McCain

Though the media would have you believe otherwise, many prominent conservatives are closing ranks against McCain, in support of Romney.

  • Hugh Hewitt has long been a Romney supporter, but he also reports on a big-time conservative endorsement from former Senator Rick Santorum and calls on other big name former politicians to do the same.
  • Michael Reagan slams McCain for being so far from his father's legacy.
  • Anne Coulter pledges to endorse Hillary Clinton (and campaign for her) if McCain wins the GOP nomination.
  • Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin have all sliced and diced McCain's supposed conservative positions on any number of issues.
  • Even Democrats admit that McCain came within a hair's breath of changing parties back in 2001.
So why should we rush to support this Diet Democrat now when there is a much more conservative (and viable) choice available?  If you look at the Reps endorsing McCain, it's a who's-who of left-leaning RINOs (Republicans In Name Only).

What it comes down to is that Republicans now have a clear cut choice: it's either McCain or Romney.  The facts and the records speak for themselves, and they are no longer hidden or murky.  McCain will vastly accelerate the leftward slide that the GOP has been experiencing for several years, whereas Romney will go a long way toward righting it.  Don't kid yourself that a vote for Huckabee or Paul is actually a vote for Huckabee or Paul.  The reality is that any vote that isn't for Romney (including a withheld vote) is actually a vote in favor of McCain.

There's my two cents.

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