Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If You Think McCain Has A Chance Against Either Democrat...

...think again!

Last night on Fox's Hannity & Colmes, they interviewed pollster Frank Luntz and a focus group of undecided Democrat voters.  I found the discussion with that group extremely illuminating on two counts.

First, conservative host Sean Hannity asked the group -- which was split about half and half between Clinton and Obama -- to name one of Obama's accomplishments.  They gave a series of statements like 'I trust him' and 'I like him' and 'He seems genuine', which are all perfectly valid statements of opinion.  BUT...not one person in the entire group of about 30-40 Democrats could cite a single thing that Obama has accomplished in his tenure in the Senate!

Can you?

The other thing that jumped out at me was almost an off-hand last-minute question to the group: if your preferred candidate doesn't get the nomination, would you support McCain instead?

Not a single one said they would.  In fact, most of them looked amused at the suggestion!

So, if you're a Republican voting for McCain because you think that McCain is going to pull enough Democrat and Independent votes to win against either Clinton or Obama, you need to realize that's simply not reality.  As I've said before, McCain is a liberal-leaning Diet Democrat, and why would anyone vote for McCain when they could have the full-bore real thing in either of the true Democrats?

They won't.  McCain will lose.

A couple more good questions that you need to ponder: McCain is asking conservatives to put aside their ideological differences with him and support the party, but his own track record shows he is clearly unwilling to do that himself!  Even more telling, why is it more difficult for McCain to reach out to members his own party than to those of the opposing party?

Before you vote for McCain, you need to think about these things!  They are clear warning signs about John McCain's candidacy.

There's my two cents.

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