Monday, June 9, 2008

U.S. Citizenship Questions

The Kansas City Star ran a short article today with a handful of questions that foreigners need to know to become U.S. citizens.  How do you rate?  Take the quiz:

1. Independence Day celebrates independence from whom?
2. Who elects the president of the United States?
3. How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?
4. What is the supreme law of the United States?
5. Who becomes president if both the president and vice president die?
6. Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death?"
7. In what year was the Constitution written?
8. Why did the pilgrims come to America?
9. What is the Bill of Rights?
10. Who wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

I'll post the answers later.  I got nine out of ten correct (I missed number 7 by one year...doh!).  Still, that's not bad, if I do say so myself!  Looks like I'm qualified to be an American citizen!  ;)

There's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

Answers to your quiz, as told by a Republican and Democrat:

1. Democrat: anyone who would make us accountable for our own actions.

Republican: anyone who would tell us how to run our businesses.

2. Democrat: five Supreme Court justices

Republican: the RIGHT five Supreme Court justices.

3. Democrat: just enough for gridlock

Republican: we'll let you know when we're done gerrymandering

4. Democrat: whatever the ACLU says it is

Republican: whatever GW, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity, or Glenn Beck say it is

5. Democrat: the first WOMAN president

Republican: **failed to answer after passing out at sheer thought of it**

6. Democrat: William Ayers?

Republican: Adam Smith?

7. Democrat: the Constitution is not done being written

Republican: the good ol' days

8. Democrat: to rape, infect, and slaughter Indians

Republican: to have peaceful Thanksgivings with Indians

9. Democrat: the tool to use to force everyone to be like us

Republican: I'm not sure what you're talking about, I've never heard of such "rights"

10. Democrat: probably some gay broadway composer, what diversity!!!

Republican: probably some gay broadway composer, what a shame!!!

B J C said...

I love it! :)