Friday, January 9, 2009

Bright, Shiny, New Amnesty

We knew it wouldn't be long...better pick up the phone!

Michelle Malkin has the early warning:

Harry Reid has filed S. 9, the Democrats’ new shamnesty bill. Not much difference in principle between Reid’s bill and McCain-Kennedy-Bush. Disingenuous lip service to immigration enforcement? Check. Path to legalization? Check.

There are a few new nuggets — most notably, open hostility to the Fence in Name Only on our southern border. Quoting from the bill:

And I believe we would be wise to reconsider the effectiveness and cost of a wall along our southern border, which has adversely affected the fragile environment and vibrant cross-border culture of an entire region. Such a wall stands as a symbol of fear and intolerance. This is not what America is about and we can do better.

“Vibrant cross-border culture?” Like the hellish, head-chopping, kidnapping and lawlessness striking fear on both sides of the border? “Fragile environment?” He’s more concerned about some desert plant than he is about the MS-13 gang members and drug runners traipsing across the “region.”

That’s not all. Also prominently featured in Reid’s bill:

We must also live up to the goal of family reunification in our immigration policy and join at least 19 other nations that provide immigration equality to same-sex partners of different nationalities.

These are his top immigration concerns? God help us.

Oh, by the way: McCain Hispanic outreach advisor and anti-”wall” activist Juan Hernandez approves!

The liberalization of America begins. Better act now before it sneaks up and bites you in the behind.

Call your Senators and tell them what you think of amnesty and the border wall. Also, may I remind you of this conversation I had with one of Reid's staffers just a few weeks ago:
Me: "I'd like to offer an opinion about something I read a couple days ago about Senator Reid planning to bring up another amnesty bill soon."
Reid staffer: "He's not planning to bring up a bill. He said that he thought someone else might bring up a bill to address the subject."
Me: "Well, either way, Sen. Reid is going to support it, right?"
Reid staffer: "Sen. Reid does not support amnesty."
Me (laughing): "Really??"
Reid staffer: "Really."
Me: "That's the first I've heard of him holding that position! He supported amnesty the last time it came up, he supported the DREAM Act, he supported all of the other incremental amnesties that have come up over the past couple years. If that's his position, I'm glad to hear it, but it's certainly news to me!"
Reid staffer: "Well, Sen. Reid supports securing the borders first, he opposes amnesty, and he..."
[I honestly don't recall the last part of her statement because I was still stuck on the first part.]
Me: "Okay, so if Sen. Reid is all about border security, why hasn't he pushed through legislation to build the fence along our southern border? In fact, he helped gut the previous bills that would have built the fence. He has had the votes to get it done, and as the Majority Leader, he has been in the perfect position to get it done, so why hasn't he?"
Reid staffer (after a long pause): "I'd be happy to pass your comments along to the Senator."
[Translation: damn the fact that citizens can check his record! And think.]
Me: "Thank you."
I think I'll call him back and ask why he's changed his position...

There's my two cents.

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