In the USofA:
- Selection vs. Election in the GOP.
- The LA Times' stupidity on their own racism.
- The Left's Internet feedback strategy.
- Why should law enforcement risk their necks?
- SUVs are baaaaack...
- Here comes a livestock tax!
- George W. Bush's legacy.
- Immigration enforcement becomes okay when the rubber meets the road.
- More ACORN voter fraud in St. Louis.
- Obama's strategy - get GOP a little bit pregnant on socialism.
- Hispanics demand more from Obama.
- Lowering expectations (oh, no you don't...!).
- Obama can't fix Kenya.
- Terrorist Bill Ayers is now a Democrat blogger.
- So much for that separation of church and state thingy.
- Does Obama have a Hsu problem?
- Bill Richardson in scandal, gets thrown under the bus.
- End TARP.
- Here's a thought - we should try free markets sometime!
- Beware state taxes, too.
- The bottomless UAW money pit.
- Hope, change, and illiterate kids.
- Why government run schools suck.
- Excellence in education? Where's the hope-n-change?
- The stupid things that happen with a socialist dictator.
- Saudi judge approves marriage of 8-year-old girl.
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