Thursday, January 8, 2009

McCain Has Lost All Credibility

Okay, I just have to post this.  Long-time readers of this blog know that I was never a fan of John McCain in the last election.  I was in the (very large) group of Republicans who grudgingly supported him only as the lesser of two evils.  There are so many wrong things about McCain that it made me nauseous to have to defend him as much as was required.  He has now lost all credibility by asking conservatives for money for a new project he's working on via a campaign-style blast e-mail:

My Friend,

In the time since the 2008 presidential campaign ended I have had a chance to reflect on many things. And as I said on election night, I truly cannot adequately express how indebted I am to you, my entire campaign team and my running mate, Governor Sarah Palin.

The road was a difficult one from the outset. Yet, your faith, your support and friendship never wavered. Just as I have proudly served my country for more than half a century I am as committed as ever to helping see our mission through.

So to continue the movement, I have decided to launch a new grassroots organization called Country First.

Today, I'm asking you as a friend and supporter to renew your commitment to our common goals by becoming a Charter Member of Country First with an online contribution.

Country First will allow us to strengthen our Party, better define our Republican ideals and message, recruit and back strong, dedicated candidates and continue our efforts to bring real reform to government by always putting our country and the noble ideals she stands for first.

Together, we can make government more responsive to today's problems and more answerable to the people. That's why I hope you will become a Charter Member of Country First and support our cause by following this link to make a generous contribution of any amount today.

With your help we can work to elect these new leaders to Governorships, Statehouses, the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives in 2010 and beyond. Once in office they will become fierce advocates for limited government, economic opportunity, personal responsibility and strong national security.

On Election Night last year, I called on all Americans not to despair of our present difficulties but to believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.

Today, I am asking you to join Country First to continue fighting for the worthy cause of revitalizing both our democracy and our Party.

Our goals will never be realized if your voice falls silent. You are the best hope for our country's success. Please stay in this fight with me; our country needs your service now as much as ever.

I know that together we can make a difference - we already have. Again, I thank you for your unwavering friendship and support.


John McCain

P.S. Country First will serve as a powerful voice for the American people. It will allow us to get our Republican message out to the voters and elect a new generation of Republican leaders who can go to Statehouses and Congress to fight for all we believe in. Please join as a Charter Member of Country First by following this link to make a contribution today. Thank you.

I think that Richard Viguerie's response is dead-on:

Commenting on the new organization, Chairman Richard Viguerie stated, "I'm not sure what Senator McCain is referring to when he talks about 'Republican ideals' but if it's along the lines of McCain-Feingold, amnesty for Illegal immigrants, carbon caps, 'gun show loopholes' or trillion-dollar Wall Street bailouts, I think he meant to say 'Big Government ideals'."

Amen to that!

While begging for conservatives' money, however, McCain has simultaneously gone straight back to his old tactics of not just reaching across the aisle, but leaping over it to sit down and have lunch with the Dems (h/t Ace of Spades):

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), fresh off his disappointing bid for the White House, returned to a familiar role in the Senate on Wednesday, shaking up his own party and reaching across the aisle to Democrats.

In a span of hours, McCain told Republicans in a closed-door meeting they needed to tone down the party's anti-immigration rhetoric...

At the all-day, private GOP meeting at the Library of Congress, McCain told colleagues their poor image among Hispanics, which he attributed to bitter intra-party squabbles over immigration reform, dealt his campaign a devastating blow.

"He talked about his own race and the devastating loss of Hispanic voters and how that arose on the rhetoric on immigration," said a Senate Republican who attended the meeting.


Hey, you idiot, did you miss the fact that you only got 31% of the Hispanic vote, but Bush got 45% of it in 2004??  If you, the Amnesty King, can't get anywhere close to Bush's numbers, no Republican will!  It doesn't get any more plain that Hispanics aren't voting on amnesty and immigration, but simply on party!  Ace of Spades offers this analysis:

Of all the reasons to give for the McCain Kerfluffle of 2008, he's gotta go with "we pissed off our illegal immigrant base"?

What do you do when an honorable man who's given 120% for his Country goes bad and starts crapping behind the couch and responding to Nigerian email scams? Is there a locked Alzheimer's ward in the US Senate? 'Cuz I'm thinking we might want to encourage Johnny to go with the nice Nurse Ratched and spend the rest of his term playing checkers with Robert "Sheets" Byrd.

Amen to that, too!  This is precisely why McCain couldn't even secure the core Republican base until he brought Palin on board - he's distinctly not a conservative, and he is hopelessly out of touch with his base.

Sheesh.  It's no wonder he lost.  In fact, it's a wonder he got within 7 points.

There's my two cents.

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