Thursday, August 30, 2007

Arellano: Mexican Ambassador?!

Our favorite deportee, Elvira Arellano, is trying a new tactic to get back into the U.S., and this time she's getting the help of the Mexican government. Arellano has asked for a diplomatic visa and is hoping for an appointment as an 'ambassador of peace' so she can come back.

You've got to be kidding me! I don't know that we have any influence on what Calderon (the President of Mexico) does, but I sure hope that the U.S. refuses to officially acknowledge Arellano if she is made 'ambassador'. To me, that would be the height of ignorant stupidity. What if Iran gets the idea of sending an 'ambassador' to visit the White House or Capitol Hill...with a suitcase nuke?

There's my two cents.

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