Thursday, August 30, 2007

WMDs From Iraq Found In New York

Right Truth posts a link to the story on revealing that some of the fabled missing WMDs from Iraq have been found...inside UN offices in New York! Also listed are a series of comments from big blogs on both sides of the ideological aisle.

Boy, what the heck else are we going to find if we clean out the UN offices? Osama bin Laden, hiding behind a copier?

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Right Truth said...

Good question. Although, this was a very small amount, what the heck was it doing just sitting there? Everybody is trying to down play it, but you ask the perfect question. What ELSE do they have there that we don't know about???

There's no question that Saddam HAD WMD at one time. Even the Lefties don't dispute that. The question is where did they go, where were they hidden.

We have warehouses FULL of documents from Iraq. If I were President I would hire all the people needed, or get the military on the job, translating these documents. It's a crying shame that individual citizens/retired military, etc. are left with the job of going through these documents.

Right Truth