Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Name That Tune: Murtha vs. Al-Zawahiri

Every now and then, Rush Limbaugh publishes in his newsletter a series of comparison quotes between a well-known liberal and an obvious America-hater (sorry for the redundancy) with the goal of illustrating just how similar the statements of the two people are. This first installment, from the April 2007 issue, is between Democrat Representative Jack Murtha (who championed the 'slow bleed' plan of retreat from Iraq and who called our soldiers 'cold-blooded murderers' for the now-disproven events at Haditha) and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who is the number two man in Al Qaeda. This is not a complete list of quotes, just a few that I think are especially illustrative. See if you can guess which statement was made by which man:

Statement #1: "[The] forces in Iraq and Afghanistan ... are doomed to defeat."
Statement #2: "They know militarily they can't win this."
Statement #3: "I said more than a year ago that Americans' departure from Iraq is only a matter of time."
Statement #4: "All of Iraq must know that Iraq is free; free from a United States occupation."
Statement #5: "The U.S. cannot accomplish anything further in Iraq militarily."
Statement #6: "America and its ... allies have not accomplished a thing -- except for throwing [the] army into the battlefield to ... have ... soldiers killed on a daily basis."

Look below for the answers...

Which of the above statements were made by a liberal Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and which were made by the No. 2 terrorist in Al Qaeda?

Statement #1 - Al-Zawahiri
Statement #2 - Murtha
Statement #3 - Al-Zawahiri
Statement #4 - Murtha
Statement #5 - Murtha
Statement #6 - Al-Zawahiri

Very illuminating, don't you think?

There's my two cents.

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