Thursday, August 16, 2007

'Sanctuary Nation or Sovereign Nation?'

Michelle Malkin posts a wealth of information about illegal aliens committing crimes and getting off simply because they're illegal aliens (we can't possibly ASK them about their citizenship status or -- gasp -- even consider deporting them, can we?). I can't possibly outline all the information on this page, so I'd highly encourage you to go spend some time here to get an idea of just how bad this problem of illegal criminals is.

A couple of highlights are some statements and stances of a couple of the major Republican presidential candidates (this is stuff you need to know before you vote next year!), as well as a story about a known illegal alien who has been hiding out in a church. Apparently, Elvira Arellano is planning to come out of the church to participate in an amnesty march next month. Malkin throws down the gauntlet to law enforcement officials - they know where this lady is, they know when she's coming out, and they know exactly where she's going to be. Will they enforce the law (as they should in a sovereign nation), or will they turn a blind eye (as they would in a sanctuary nation)? We'll see. This would be a great opportunity to publicly assure the American people (and warn illegals currently living here) that this administration is truly serious about enforcement, as some of their recent statements have indicated.

On a related note, here's a story that illustrates precisely why we need to make sure the government follows through with its promises - the Border Patrol is asking for volunteers to help build fences between the U.S. and Mexico. Volunteers?! What was that $3 billion that was just allocated a few weeks ago supposed to be used for if they're now asking for volunteers?

This is why we need to keep watch on our government - they're very quick to make promises, but very slow to make actual progress. Accountability is the key, and that's what bloggers and other grass-roots organizations provide. Keep pressuring your representatives and the White House to get this done!

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Mark Pettigrew said...

Elvira Arellano wants people to think she's the Mexican Rosa Parks. But Rosa Parks was not an illegal immigrant, she was a natural born citizen who, on account of her citizenry, had certain inalienable rights which were constitutionally protected.

Our Constitution was written to protect the rights of American citizens. It was not written in order to protect the "rights" of foreigners to invade our country and disrespect our laws (and our culture) while simultaneously taking our jobs and engaging in numerous acts of criminality, such as identity theft.

As someone who was raised in the Methodist church (and whose father and grandfather were both Methodist clergymen), I am appalled that a Methodist church here in Chicago has spent the past year harboring this arrogant fugitive from justice! I hope that our law enforcement officials will arrest Elvira the minute she steps outside of the church in order to leave for Washington, DC. They need to ship her lawbreaking behind back to Mexico, or better yet, put her in prison for a very long time. The latter would be preferable, even if it cost U.S. taxpayers money, because it would prevent her from just sneaking back into the USA again, the way she did the last time when she was deported. Otherwise, she'll just keep doing the same thing again and again.

As for what happens to her son, they should put him into the foster care system here in the U.S. As someone who used to work for a child welfare agency specializing in foster children, I can attest to the fact that that's what we generally do when children are unfortunate enough to be saddled with parents who cannot be bothered to obey the laws of the land.