Thursday, August 16, 2007

Iranian Unit To Be Labeled 'Terrorist' Organization

The Bush administration took steps this week to label the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. This should come as no surprise, as we have concrete proof that Iran is helping Al Qaeda against our troops in Iraq. Consider the following:
- Attacks on American-led forces using a lethal type of roadside bomb said to be supplied by Iran reached a new high in July (here)
- One of two known Al Qaeda leadership councils meets regularly in eastern Iran (here)
- Evidence that Iranian territory is being used as a base by al-Qaeda to help in terrorist operations in Iraq and elsewhere is growing (here)
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces have been spotted by British troops crossing the border into southern Iraq (here)

There is no doubt that Iran is giving direct aid and comfort to our enemies, and that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has participated in attacks that have directly killed U.S. soldiers. This is in addition to the fact that Iran is aiding Hamas in the takeover of Gaza from the U.S.-backed Fatah party as well as supporting Hezbollah in repeated attacks against Israel.

This declaration by the administration gives the U.S. authority to "identify individuals, businesses, charities and extremist groups engaged in terrorist activities" in order to "block the assets of terrorists and to disrupt operations by foreign businesses that 'provide support, services or assistance to, or otherwise associate with, terrorists.'" The freezing of financial assets was a tremendous tool against Al Qaeda (at least until our methods were 'leaked' by the MSM), and it could prove very effective against Iran, too. Keep in mind they only have a single fuel refinery - shut that down, then blockade their ports, and Iran would grind to a halt in no time, especially if they lack funds to buy new supplies.

The move is a major signal of the heightening of tensions between Iran and the U.S. All I can say is that it's about time! The president of Iran has publicly stated his mission in life is to "wipe Israel off the map" and establish a world "without the United States and Zionism". What were we waiting for? Did we want to wait until they actually had nuclear weapons before doing anything to stop them? That would be a smart move, wouldn't it?

There's my two cents.

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