Monday, August 20, 2007

Illegal Alien Gangbangers Execute Newark Students

This has actually been splashed all over the headlines, so you may have already heard something about this. On August 4th, four college students in Newark, NJ, were forced to kneel next to a wall before being shot execution style. Three died. Several suspects have been arrested for these brutal murders, and the search is on for at least one more.

Here's the part you don't know, because it hasn't been widely reported: the men who were arrested are illegal aliens and have ties to the notorious MS-13 gang.

For all the details on the Newark case, check out Michelle Malkin's summary page.

This is a prime example of how critically important it is to secure our borders, not only for the purpose of preventing terrorists from entering the U.S., but also for keeping out the drug trade and gang members. The MS-13 gang, in particular, is very powerful throughout Central America, and has been infiltrating the U.S. over the past few years. Though the details are still circumstantial in the Newark case, it appears that these killings may have been an initiation of sorts for entrance into the gang.

These incidents are becoming more and more common, and should add a sense of urgency to Americans' urging Congress to secure the borders NOW.

The drug trade is becoming a bigger and bigger problem; even Mexico is having a hard time dealing with it. In fact, the Mexican government is fighting an all-out war with the drug cartels which threaten to take over big chunks of the country. Mexican President Felipe Calderon has sent 20,000 federal troops into cities and regions where the cartels are powerful, but the violence only seems to be escalating.

But, terrorists and drug traffickers are not necessarily separate. Take, for instance, this story on Hannity and Colmes last week about the increasing links between terrorism and drug traffic. Former director of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Asa Hutchinson, said, "Now we realize that nearly half of the terrorist organizations have some funding or ties to illegal drugs." Read the whole interview.

We must continue to pressure Congress and the White House to secure the borders NOW. Whether terrorists or drug runners or gangbangers, many of the people coming across our southern border present a clear and present danger to Americans.

There's my two cents.

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