Sunday, August 26, 2007

Most Americans Want Crackdowns On Illegal Immigration

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll has all kinds of goodies in it about what Americans want from immigration enforcement. Check it out:

- Universal ID. 71% favor requiring all foreign visitors to carry a universal identification card
- Central database. 74% favor the creation and funding of a central database to track all foreign visitors
- The Fence. 56% want the government to continue building a fence along the Mexican border
- No more sanctuary. 58% favor cutting off federal funds for "sanctuary cities" that offer protection to illegal immigrants
- Employer crackdown. 79% favor strict measures requiring employers to fire workers who provide false identification documents
- ID to rent. 74% believe that proper identification should be required for anyone to rent an apartment

This, my friends, is a mandate. Again, I submit to you that whichever candidate best claims this no-brainer issue and follows through on these points will gain a strong measure of support with the conservative Republican base for the 2008 election.

There's my two cents.

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