Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Nutshell: What's Good For America Is Bad For Democrats

Dennis Prager writes a powerful column on Townhall.com about the way the Democrat party has positioned itself for the upcoming 2008 elections. He says that it has "linked all its electoral hopes on domestic pathologies, economic downturns and foreign failure."

He goes on to outline the justification for such a forceful statement. Here are the main points:

African Americans: If African Americans come to believe that America is a land of opportunity in which racism has been largely conquered, it would be catastrophic for the Democrats.
Women: If women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party. Single women are an essential component of any Democratic victory.
Families: After women marry, they are more likely to abandon leftist views and to vote Republican. And if they then have children, they will vote Republican in even more lopsided numbers.
Hispanics: If immigrants assimilate, it is not good for Democrats. The Democratic Party has invested in Latino separatism. The more that Hispanic immigrants come to feel fully American, the less likely they are to vote Democrat.
Economics: The better Americans feel they are doing [economically], the worse it is for Democrats.
Military: The Democrats have put themselves in the position of needing failure in Iraq in order to win the next election. That helps to explain why the mainstream media, who ache for a Democratic victory, feature stories of wounded American soldiers, grieving families of killed soldiers and atrocity stories -- such as the apparently fictitious story printed in the New Republic. But they almost never feature stories about military heroism and altruism.

Prager summarizes by saying that it's not that Democrats want all these bad things to happen. It's just that they've unfortunately positioned themselves in such a way that "if Democrats want to win, they can do so only if bad things happen to America."

He's right. I would also add that if all these bad things happen, and Democrats gain the victory in 2008, more bad things (i.e. tax increases, socialized health care, national security disasters, more risk of terrorism) will certainly follow due to their philosophy of leadership.

There's my two cents.

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