Friday, August 3, 2007

Video Of the Democrats' Shameful Actions

The video of the key part of the steal last night is here.

The video of Republican Majority Whip Roy Blunt's response this morning is here.

I would especially encourage you to watch Roy Blunt's comments - he hits the nail on the head.

On a related topic, here's a list of the Top Outrages perpetrated by the Democrat-controlled House so far this session. Topping the list is yesterday's blatant vote fraud. Other items include passing the largest tax cut in history, Speaker Pelosi's attempt to put an indicted Congressman (William Jefferson, blogged about here) on the Homeland Security Committee, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel requesting an earmark for $2 million for a new office for himself, and threats of physical harm against Republican Congressmen, among other things.

With this sort of rampant partisanship and unethical behavior, is it any wonder that this Democrat-led Congress is literally the worst ever in the history of official polling, with just a 14% overall approval rate and an astounding 3% approval on the War in Iraq?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to achieve a 3% approval rate in a poll that has a margin of error of 1%? It's completely unprecedented!

I'm beginning to think that Republicans could win in a landslide in 2008 no matter how poor they are! If the Democrats keep this up, all bets are off.

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Dad_C said...

If this doesn't wake some people up, what will it take?